Humminbird SC 110 Autopilot Kit 700052-1

SC 110 Autopilot Kit

  • 700052-1
  • bez hidraulične pumpe
  • 3,5-inčni TFT zaslon u boji
  • kursno računalo s Fluxgate Compass i Rate Gyro
  • jedinica za povratne informacije
REDOVNA CIJENA: 3.591,00 € 27056,39 kn
WEBSHOP CIJENA: 3.231,90 €
24350,75 kn
Šifra proizvoda: 700052-1
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Humminbird - SC 110 Autopilot Kit 

Komplet autopilota, uključuje jedinicu za povratnu informaciju o upravljaču - SC 110 Autopilot koristi tehnologiju višestrukih senzora i načine rada kako bi omogućio upravljanje svim vrstama plovila. Kontrolna glava daje grafička i numerička očitavanja kursa, smjera i kretanja kormila. Ako je instaliran senzor vjetra, prividni vjetar će se prikazati u načinu rada Wind.

Komplet sadrži: 3,5-inčni TFT zaslon u boji autopilota, kursno računalo s Fluxgate Compass i Rate Gyro,  jedinicu za povratne informacije i kabel od 30m.
Svi Autopilot proizvodi su samostalni - ne trebaju Humminbird proizvod za rad
Postoje mnogi dostupni načini rada koji vam omogućuju da ciljate, odaberete obrasce skretanja, mijenjate pravac kretanja zakrećete, kroz opciju Humminbird® Multi-FunctionDisplay. Sustav autopilota zahtjeva posebne opcionalne dodatke  kako bi se omogućio svaki od načina rada. Z
Preporučujemo da pažljivo pročitate ovaj priručnik kako biste razumjeli sve mogućnosti SC 110 Autopilota.



Autopilot Kit, includes Rudder Feedback Unit - the SC 110 Autopilot uses multi-sensor technology and operation modes to provide steering control for any type of vessel. The control head provides graphic and numeric readouts of the course, heading, and rudder movement. If a wind sensor is installed, the apparent wind will be displayed in Wind mode.

  • Kit includes: Autopilot 3.5" color TFT display, Course Computer with Fluxgate Compass and Rate Gyro, brushless Rudder Feedback Unit and 30m cable. Rotary knob and push button controls.
  • All Autopilot products are stand alone - they do not need a Humminbird product to work
  • There are many available operation modes which allow you tobow target, choose turn patterns, tack and gybe, or navigate aroute from an optional-purchase Humminbird® Multi-FunctionDisplay. The Autopilot System requires specific optional-purchaseaccessories to enable each of the operation modes. Contact ourCustomer Resource Center for more information.
  • We encourage you to read this manual carefully so that you may understand the full capabilities of the SC 110 Autopilot.
    • Current Models              HELIX 10, HELIX 12, HELIX 5, HELIX 7, HELIX 9, SOLIX 10, SOLIX 12, SOLIX 15
    • Discontinued Series      ION
    • Product Category          Autopilot

Sustav autopilota Humminbird SC 110 može se instalirati i integrirati s mnogo različitih tipova rekreacijskih i radnih čamaca koji imaju ili 12 ili 24 volta DC napona sustava. Najčešće hidraulične konfiguracije i komponente hidrauličkog upravljanja lako se integriraju zahvaljujući fleksibilnosti ugrađenoj u računalni procesor SCP110.

SCP 110 ima maksimalnu kontrolnu sposobnost od 30 ampera i izravno će podržati većinu reverzibilnih hidrauličnih pumpnih setova tipa 1, 2 i 3, kontrole elektromagnetne pumpe, integrirane hidraulične pakete i elektro-mehaničke pogonske jedinice.

Zbog brojnih opcija ugrađenih u računalni procesor, može se uzeti u obzir iu duljinama plovila na električni pogon i na vjetar u rasponu od 20 stopa (6 M) do 100 stopa (30 M). Mogu se udovoljiti zahtjevi za višestruke upravljačke i upravljačke stanice.

Ne preporučujemo instaliranje Humminbird AutoPilota na brod koji je kraći od 20 stopa. Ako je manji od 20 stopa, naša bi preporuka bila da kupite i instalirate Minn Kota trolling motor s ugrađenim autopilotom.

Preporučujemo da sve instalacije AutoPilota obavlja certificirani lokalni distributer koji je član ABYC ili NMMA.

Preporučeni komplet za brodove preko 20 stopa obično zahtijeva sljedeće:
Za povezivanje s HELIX-om potreban vam je AS HHGPS.
Za sučelje sa SOLIX-om trebat će vam AS GPS NMEA.
Preporučili bismo komplet za autopilot SC110 koji uključuje povratnu informaciju kormila. Tu je i komplet bez povratne informacije kormila, a to je SC110 Autopilot Kit bez FB – Autopilot Kit
Naši sustavi će raditi samo s hidrauličnim upravljanjem ili Power Assistom, tako da ćete morati imati jedan od ova dva sustava instaliran od strane vanjske tvrtke jer ni mi ne nudimo.
Crpka koju bismo preporučili je HHRP 17-12 Autopilot Pump 1.6 cube in/sekundi ako instalirate hidraulički sustav upravljanja
Morate imati uređaj za povratnu informaciju na kormilu. Ako naš nije dostupan, možete dobiti SmartStick linearne povratne informacije od Seastara:
Stranica proizvoda SeaStar
Stranica proizvoda West Marine
Morate naručiti sljedeći broj dijela: “AR4502RM | Samo instalacije Ray Marine | 2,2V do 2,8V” Broj dijela “Generic” ne radi sa SC-110.


The Humminbird SC 110 Autopilot system can be installed and integrated with many different types of recreational and work boats having either 12 or 24 volt DC system voltages.  Most common hydraulic configurations and hydraulic steering components are easily integrated due to the flexibility incorporated into the SCP110 computer-processor. 

The SCP 110 has a 30 amp maximum control capability and will directly support most Type 1, 2 and 3 reversible hydraulic pump sets,solenoid pump controls, integrated hydraulic packs and electro-mechanical drive units.

Because of the numerous options built into the computer-processor, it can be considered in both power and wind powered vessel lengths ranging from 20 feet (6 M) up to 100 feet (30 M). Requirements for both multiple control and joystick stations can be accommodated.  

We do not recommend installing a Humminbird AutoPilot on a boat that is less than 20 feet long.  If it is less than 20 feet, our recommendation would be to purchase and install a Minn Kota Trolling Motor with the Autopilot built in.  

We recommend that all AutoPilot installs be performed by a Certified local installing dealer who is a member of ABYC or NMMA.  

The recommended kit for boats over 20 feet would typically require the following:
To interface to the HELIX you would require the AS HHGPS.
To interface to the SOLIX you would need the AS GPS NMEA.
We would recommend the SC110 Autopilot Kit that includes Rudder Feedback. There is also a kit without the rudder feedback and is the SC110 Autopilot Kit w/o FB – Autopilot Kit
Our systems will only work with Hydraulic Steering or Power Assist so you will need to have one of these two systems installed from an outside company as we do not provide either.
The pump we would recommend is the HHRP 17-12 Autopilot Pump 1.6 cube in in/second if you install a Hydraulic Steering system 
You must have a rudder feedback device.  If our's is not available you can obtain the Linear feedback SmartStick by Seastar:
SeaStar Product Page
West Marine Product Page
You must order the following part number: “AR4502RM | Ray Marine Installations Only | 2.2V to 2.8V”  The “Generic” part number does not work with the SC-110.


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