B&G Zeus³-7 MFD navigacijski sustav
Part Number: 000-13245-001
B&G Zeus 3 S ploter najbrži je višenamjenski uređaj s najbržim odazivom
Dizajniran samo za jedrenje, Zeus3 S ploter nudi izuzetno brzo vrijeme odaziva te pruža sve potrebne informacije. B&G Zeus 3 S nudi dodatke za jedrenje koji pojednostavljuju navigaciju, crtanje ruta, dodavanje točaka dok u isto vrijeme pruža sve ključne informacije za jedrenje. Čak i ako nosite polarizirane naočale i pri najjačem sunčevom osvjetljenju zaslon ovog plotera bit će vidljiv i pod oštrim kutovima gledanja. Zeus 3 S je kompatibilan s autopilotom, sonderom ForwardScan, broadband radarima te najnovijim HALO radarima.
Zeus 3 S može prikazati i kontrolirati FLIR kameru zahvaljujući novoj mogućnosti spajanja s FLIR IP-om koja donosi pregled od 360 stupnjeva, a tu je i ugrađeni Wi-Fi za povezivanje s pametnim telefonima, sve to zapakirano u tri veličine zaslona od 9; 12 ili 16 inča.
B&G Zeus³-7 je navigacijski sustav za iscrtavanje jednostavan za korištenje za krstarice plavim vodama i regatne regate, koji uključuje 7-inčni zaslon osjetljiv na dodir, elektroniku visokih performansi i širok raspon funkcionalnosti dizajniranih posebno za jedriličare. Uključuje osnovnu kartu svijeta.
Zeus³ 7 nadopunjuje veće veličine zaslona serije Zeus3S s manjim zaslonom za jahte s ograničenim prostorom za ugradnju.
Ovaj ultra-svijetli, širokokutni zaslon kombinira 7-inčni zaslon osjetljiv na dodir za sve vremenske uvjete s okretnim kotačićem i tipkovnicom za vrhunsku kontrolu u svim uvjetima. Jednostavno iskoristite namjenske značajke za jedrenje dokazane na utrkama kao što su SailSteer, Laylines i RacePanel. Povežite se s mrežnim uslugama i mobilnim uređajima koristeći ugrađeni Wi-Fi i besprijekorno se integrirajte sa širokim rasponom instrumenata i dodataka za veću sigurnost, performanse i užitak na vodi.
Ključne značajke
- Izuzetno svijetli SolarMAX™ HD zaslon od 7 inča s ultra širokim kutovima gledanja
- Namjenske značajke jedrenja kao što su SailSteer, Laylines i RacePanel
- Procesor visokih performansi za brzo reagiranje i brzo ponovno crtanje grafikona
- Zaslon osjetljiv na dodir za sve vremenske uvjete plus pune rotacijske i tipkovne kontrole
- Omogućen Wi-Fi za jednostavan pristup kartama, vremenskoj prognozi, ažuriranjima, podršci i zrcaljenju zaslona
- Ugrađena podrška sonaru ForwardScan™ za sigurniji prolaz kroz plitke vode
- Serija Zeus³
- Uz Zeus³ uživajte u potpunoj kontroli bez obzira na uvjete. Idealan za ozbiljnog jedriličara na krstarenju ili utrci, Zeus3 se može pohvaliti zadivljujućim zaslonom osjetljivim na dodir i tipkovnicom, procesorom velike brzine i B&G-ovim nagrađivanim značajkama jedrenja. Neka vas Zeus3 vodi do vašeg odredišta. *Za modele od 9, 12 i 16 inča pogledajte našu novu ponudu Zeus3S.
Izuzetna vidljivost
SolarMAX HD zaslon osigurava savršenu vidljivost u svim uvjetima. Zaslon Zeus3 testiran je do krajnjih granica u svemu, od tropske sunčeve svjetlosti do dubina južnog oceana i polarnih zima. Možete ga vidjeti kroz polarizirane sunčane naočale, a osjetljivi zaslon osjetljiv na dodir radi čak i po prskanju i uzburkanom moru.
Integrirana tipkovnica za potpunu kontrolu
Zeus3 ima integrirani okretni kotačić i tipkovnicu koja može preuzeti kontrolu nad svim funkcijama u ekstremnim uvjetima, zajedno s prilagodljivim tipkama za trenutni pristup često korištenim funkcijama.
Super brzi procesor za trenutačni odgovor
Uživajte u iznimnoj svjesnosti situacije zahvaljujući Zeus3 procesoru visokih performansi. Ima dosta procesorske snage za istovremeno pokretanje karata, radara, ForwardScan-a i kontrola autopilota bez ugrožavanja performansi - dajući vam sve alate potrebne za uživanje u jedrenju, sigurni u spoznaji da možete nadzirati svoje okruženje.
Savršen za dvostruke kacige
Odlučite se za instalaciju s dvije stanice i Zeus3 će osigurati da imate podatke koji su vam potrebni, tamo gdje su vam potrebni. Podijelite svoje karte, radar i sonar između više Zeus3 zaslona na kormilu, navigacijske stanice i drugdje na brodu putem Ethernet veze bez kašnjenja, za jednostavnu instalaciju i munjevito umrežavanje između zaslona.
Pogledajte sve podatke koje trebate jednim pogledom na jednom lako čitljivom zaslonu uz SailSteer. Pogledajte ključne informacije o vjetru, brzini, plimi, smjeru, kursu nad zemljom, liniji i međutočkama, prikazane na jednom zaslonu kako biste bili sigurni da imate potrebne informacije na dohvat ruke.
Neka Zeus³ obavi težak posao: pogledajte svoju stazu i minimizirajte vrijeme provedeno u trčanju uz Laylines na vašoj karti. Vidite koji je način najbolji i osigurajte da uzmete pravo mjesto kako biste što učinkovitije stigli u smjeru vjetra. Laylines čak uzimaju u obzir učinke plime i vjetra kako bi iscrtali najbrži kurs do sljedeće međutočke.
Učinkovito planirajte uz SailingTime i znajte koliko će vremena trebati da stignete do međutočke, čak i ako je mrtva uz vjetar. SailingTime izračunava vrijeme koje ćete potrošiti na svakom taktu, uzimajući u obzir učinke vjetra i plime, kako bi vam dao točnu ETA na vašem odredištu.
Budite na liniji dok puca uz RacePanel. Uživajte u značajkama koje su jednostavne za korištenje u kojima su prije uživali samo Pro navigatori kako biste osigurali najbolji početak u floti, s informacijama o vremenu, udaljenosti i položaju na jednom jasnom zaslonu.
GPS visoke preciznosti
Znajte točno gdje je vaše plovilo u svakom trenutku s ugrađenim 10Hz GPS prijemnikom koji iscrtava vaš položaj s iznimnom točnošću.
Upravljanje autopilotom
Zeus3 nalazi se u srcu vašeg plovila – a vi možete preuzeti komandu nad puštanjem u pogon i upravljanjem svojim B&G autopilotom sa svog Zeus3 zaslona osjetljivog na dodir. Okretanje, rotiranje, jedrenje prema vjetru ili smjeru kompasa i iskoristite prednosti naprednih algoritama jedrenja koji B&G pilote čine najboljima u svojoj klasi.
Zrcalite zaslon na svom telefonu
Ugrađeni WiFi omogućuje vam zrcaljenje i upravljanje zaslonom s bilo kojeg mjesta na pametnom telefonu ili tabletu pomoću aplikacije Link, za troškovno učinkovito rješenje s dvije stanice. Napravite sigurnosnu kopiju svojih postavki i putnih točaka ili se povežite s bežičnom pristupnom točkom ili WiFi marinom za preuzimanje vremenske prognoze i ažuriranja softvera izravno na svoj uređaj. Povežite svoj telefon putem Bluetootha za čitanje i odgovaranje na tekstualne poruke sa zaslona uređaja za iscrtavanje.
Besprijekorna integracija s vašim instrumentima
Uživajte u potpuno povezanom iskustvu jedrenja te kontrolirajte i nadzirite svoj sustav instrumenata H5000 na brodu sa zaslona. Zeus3 također može preuzeti potpunu kontrolu nad sustavima u vozilu koristeći Naviop i CZone, omogućujući naredbu prstom i praćenje svjetala i sustava u vozilu.
Niz mogućnosti montaže
Zeus3 uređaji za iscrtavanje optimizirani su za elegantnu ugradnju u ravninu, stoje samo 8 mm iznad pregrade za niskoprofilni izgled 'staklenog kormila'. Alternativno, montirajte ga pomoću isporučenog nosača na vodoravne, okomite ili površine iznad glave.
Mogućnosti mapiranja
Zeus3 ploteri podržavaju širok raspon vodećih kartografija, od C-MAP-a, Navionicsa i NV Digital-a. Iskoristite napredne značajke mapiranja uključujući automatsko usmjeravanje, dinamičke plime i struje, fotografije iz zraka i detaljne lučke karte kako biste bili sigurni da u svakom trenutku točno znate što se nalazi ispod vaše kobilice.
Jednostavno proširite svoju mrežu
Samo dodajte snagu i uživajte u Zeus3 kao svestranom samostalnom ploteru s prvoklasnim navigacijskim funkcijama. Za najbolje iskustvo i iskorištavanje prednosti naših nagrađivanih značajki jedrenja, umrežite svoj uređaj za iscrtavanje s instrumentima i senzorima pomoću standardne NMEA 2000 povezivosti.
Pogledajte što je ispred vas ispod vode dodavanjem sonde ForwardScan. Iskoristite dvodimenzionalni pogled na morsko dno ispred svog plovila u stvarnom vremenu. S lakoćom navigirajte u plitka sidrišta i slabo ucrtana područja i s povjerenjem znajte što vas čeka.
Prevozite prometne brodske putove, vidite kroz mrak i slabu vidljivost i pratite vremenske ćelije s B&G Broadband radarom na vašem Zeus3.
B&G Zeus³-7 MFD navigacijski sustav
Part Number: 000-13245-001
Dimensions |
239 x 150 x 90 mm (9.4 x 5.9 x 3.5"), With bracket: 263 x 161 x 93 (10.35 x 6.31 x 3.66") |
Weight |
1.1 kg (2.42 lbs.) |
Operating temperature range |
-15°C to +55°C (5° F to 131° F) |
Environment Shock Vibration |
100,000 cycles of 20G |
Storage temperature range |
-20°C to +60°C (4°F to 140°F) |
Water resitance |
IPX6 and 7 |
Supply voltage |
10 - 31.2 V DC |
Fuse rating |
3A |
Power consumption (Max) |
20W |
Display backlight color |
White |
Display resolution |
600 x 1024 |
Display screen brightness |
1200 nits |
Display sizeand type |
High Visibility SolarMax HD® IPS 7" optically bonded TFT |
Display viewing angles |
80° top/bottom, 80° left/right |
Ethernet |
1 x 5 pin yellow connector x 1 Mbit, max 6 processors on network |
Bluetooth |
Internal |
NMEA2000 connectivity |
1 x NMEA 2000 Micro-C port, 1 LEN |
NMEA 2000 PGNs |
Receive only |
, 59392 ISO Acknowledgement, 59904 ISO Request, 60928 ISO Address Claim, 65285 Temperature with Instance, 65323 Data User Group Request, 65325 Reprogram Status, 65341 Autopilot Mode, 65480 Autopilot Mode, 127245 Rudder, 127251 Rate of Turn, 127257 Attitude, 127488 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update, 127489 Engine Parameters, Dynamic, 127493 Transmission Parameters, Dynamic, 127503 AC input status, 127504 AC Output Status, 127505 Fluid Level, 127506 DC Detailed Status, 127507 Charger Status, 127508 Battery Status, 127509 Inverter Status, 129033 Time & Date, 129038 AIS Class A Position Report, 129039 AIS Class B Position Report, 129040 AIS Class B Extended Position Report, 129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data, 129801 AIS Addressed Safety Related Message, 129802 AIS Safety Related Broadcast Message, 129808 DSC Call Information, 129809 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part A, 129810 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part B, 130313 Humidity, 130314 Actual Pressure, 130576 Small Craft Status, 130842 SimNet DSC Message, 130851 Event Reply, 130817 Product Info, 130820 Reprogram Status, 130832 Fuel Used - High Resolution, 130834 Engine and Tank Configuration, 130838 Fluid Level Warning, 130843 Sonar Status, Frequency and DSP Voltage, Transmit and Receive: 61184 Parameter Request/Command, 65289 Trim Tab Insect Configuration, 65291 Backlight Control, 65292 Clear Fluid Level Warnings, 65293 LGC-2000 Configuration, 126208 ISO Command Group Function, 126992 System Time, 126996 Product Info, 127237 Heading/Track Control, 127250 Vessel Heading, 127258 Magnetic Variation, 128259 Speed, Water referenced, 128267 Water Depth, 128275 DistanceLog, 129025 Position, Rapid Update, 129026 COG & SOG, Rapid Update, 129029 GNSS Position Data, 129283 Cross Track Error, 129284 Navigation Data, 129539 GNSS DOPs, 129540 GNSS Sats in View, 130074 Route and WP Service - WP List - WP Name & Position, 130306 Wind Data, 130310 Environmental Parameters, 130311 Environmental Parameters, 130312 Temperature, 130577 Direction Data, 130840 Data User Group Configuration, 130845 Parameter Handle, 130850 Event Command, 130831 Suzuki Engine and Storage Device Config, 130835 SetEngineAndTankConfiguration, 130839 Pressure Insect Configuration Transmit only 65287 Configure Temperature INSOcts, 65290 Paddle Wheel Speed Configuration, 129285 Route/Waypoint Data, 130818 Reprogram Data, 130819 Request Reprogram, 130828 Set Serial Number, 130836 Fluid Level Insect Configuration, 130837 Fuel Flow Turbine Configuration "
NMEA 0183 connectivity |
1 x Transmit, 1 x Receive NMEA 0183, Baud Rates 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400. TX and RX use same baud rate. Optional data cable required (P/N 000-00129-001) |
NMEA 0183 sentences |
Input: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, VTG, ZDA, RMC, DBT, DPT, MTW, VLW, VHW, HDG, HDT, HDM, MWV, MWD, DSC, DSE, VDM. (Note AIS sentences are not bridged to or from NMEA 2000) Output GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, VTG, ZDA, RMC, DBT, DPT, MTW, VLW, VHW, HDG, MWV, MWD, TLL, TTM" |
Video connectivity |
2 x composite (RCA connectors)video inputs. Optional video/ data cable required (P/N 000-00129-001). |
WiFi connectivity |
Internal |
Sonar frequencies |
40-250kHz 455-800kHz |
Sonar max depth |
3000’+ (tested with B175L) |
Sonar output power |
1kW RMS |
Compliance |
CE, C-Tick,HDMI(12&16"), EN 60950-1:2006, EN 60945:2002 |
EN 300 440-2, V1.4.2
Internal |
GPS update rate |
10 Hz |
GPS channels |
34 Channels |
GPS correction |
GPS position accuracy |
Horizontal Accuracy 3 m (9.8 ft) |
GPS time to first fix |
Cold start 50 sec, Satellite Reacquisition 5 sec |
Interface |
Full touch screen (multi-touch ) and full keypad control, OP50 remote controllers |
Charts Incuded |
Insight |
Radar |
Broadband Radar, Halo Pulse Compression Radar, HD Pulse Radar |
Sonar |
Two 9 pin Xsonic Sonar ports. Sonar port 1: Single channel CHIRP, 50/200 khz, HDI. Sonar port 2: Single channel CHIRP, 50/200 khz, TotalScan, LSS HD, ForwardScan.Compatible with: SonarHub, BSM-3, BSM-2, network echo sounders" |
Weather |
SiriusXM via WM-3 (USA only), GRIB |
Receive AIS data over NMEA 2000 or *NMEA 0183 (has to be wired to all NSS processors) |
Auto pilot integration |
Full auto pilot control and commissioning |
Autopilot steering modes |
Auto, Nav., No Drift, Follow up, Non-follow up, Turn patterns, Standby, *Wind, *Wind NAV. (*Boat type set to Sail) |
Autopilot manouevres turn patterns |
U-turn, Spiral-turn, C-turn, Zig-zag, Square-turn, Lazy S-turn, Depth contour tracking |
Supported Charts |
Insight, Navionics (Gold, NAV+ Platinum+) , C-MAP (MAX N, MAX N+) NV Digital (Raster US Charts) |
Digital switching |
BEP C-Zone, Naviop |
External storage |
2 MicroSD slots, max. 32GB each. Larger if formatted to NTFS |
Internal storage |
16 GB |
Multi-media |
via SonicHub2, FusionLink, *Sirius, **JL Audio. *USA only, **AUST. & NZ only) |
Waypoints, routes & tracks |
6000 waypoints, 500 Routes with 100 max route points, 50 tracks with up to 12,000 track points. |
Launguage Support |
Standard Language Pack: English(US), English(UK), Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish. |
Other languages supported by Unlock: Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Slovak, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic,Farsi
B&G Zeus³-7 MFD navigacijski sustav
Part Number: 000-13245-001
B&G Zeus³-7 is an easy-to-use chartplotter navigation system for blue water cruisers and regatta racers, incorporating a 7-inch touchscreen display, high-performance electronics, and a wide range of functionality designed specifically for sailors. Includes World basemap chart.
he Zeus³ 7 complements the larger screen sizes of the Zeus3S range with a smaller display for yachts with limited installation space.
This ultra-bright, wide-angle display combines an all-weather 7-inch touchscreen with a rotary dial and keypad for ultimate control in all conditions. Easily leverage dedicated, race-proven sailing features such as SailSteer, Laylines, and RacePanel. Connect with online services and mobile devices using built-in Wi-Fi, and integrate seamlessly with a wide range of instruments and accessories for greater safety, performance, and enjoyment on the water.
Key Features
- A super-bright 7″ SolarMAX™ HD display with ultra-wide viewing angles
- Dedicated sailing features such as SailSteer, Laylines and RacePanel
- High-performance processor for responsive operation and quick chart redraw
- All-weather touchscreen plus full rotary and keypad controls
- Wi-Fi enabled for easy access to charts, weather, updates, support, and screen mirroring
- Built-in ForwardScan™ sonar support for safer passage through shallow waters
Zeus³ Series
Enjoy full control whatever the conditions with Zeus³. Ideal for the serious cruising or racing sailor, Zeus3 boasts a stunning touschscreen and keypad, high-speed processor and B&G’s award-winning sailing features. Let Zeus3 guide you to your destination. *For 9, 12 and 16 inch models, see our new Zeus3S range.
Exceptional visibility
The SolarMAX HD screen ensures perfect visibility in all conditions. Zeus3’s screen has been tested to the limit in everything from tropical sunlight to the depths of the southern ocean and polar winters. You can see it through polarised sunglasses, and the responsive touchscreen works even in flying spray and rough sea.
Integrated keypad for complete control
Zeus3 has an integrated rotary dial and keypad that can take over control of all functions in extreme conditions, along with customisable keys for instant access to frequently-used functions.
Super fast processor for immediate response
Enjoy exceptional situational awareness thanks to Zeus3 ‘s high-performance processor. There’s plenty of processing power to run charts, radar, ForwardScan and autopilot controls simultaneously without compromising on performance – giving you all the tools you need to enjoy the sailing, safe in the knowledge that you can monitor your surroundings.
Perfect for twin helms
Opt for a dual-station installation and Zeus3 will ensure you’ve got the data you need, where you need it. Share your charts, radar and sonar between multiple Zeus3 displays at the helm, nav station and elsewhere on board over a lag-free Ethernet connection, for simple installation and lightning fast networking between displays.
See all the data you need at a glance on one easy-to-read display with SailSteer. See crucial wind, speed, tide, heading, course over ground, layline and waypoint information, overlaid on one screen to ensure you have the information you need at your fingertips.
Let Zeus³ do the hard work: See your course and minimize your time spent beating with Laylines overlaid on your chart. See which way is best and ensure you tack in the right place to help you get to windward as efficiently as possible. Laylines even take into account tidal effects and wind shifts to plot the quickest course to the next waypoint.
Plan effectively with SailingTime and know how long it will take to get to a waypoint, even if it’s dead upwind. SailingTime calculates the time you’ll spend on each tack, taking into account wind and tidal effects, to give you an accurate ETA at your destination.
Be on the line as the gun goes with RacePanel. Enjoy easy-to-use features previously only enjoyed by Pro navigators to ensure you get the best start in the fleet, with time, distance and positioning information on a single clear display.
High accuracy GPS
Know exactly where your boat is at all times with an inbuilt 10Hz GPS receiver that plots your position with exceptional accuracy.
Autopilot control
Zeus3 sits at the heart of your boat – and you can take command of commissioning and controlling your B&G autopilot from your Zeus3 touchscreen. Tack, gybe, sail to wind or compass heading and take advantage of the advanced sailing algorithms that make B&G Pilots the best in their class.
Mirror the screen on your phone
Built in WiFi allows you to mirror and control the screen from anywhere on board on a Smartphone or Tablet using the Link App, for a cost-effective dual-station solution. Back up your settings and waypoints, or connect to a Wireless hotspot or marina WiFi to download weather forecasts and download software updates straight to your device. Connect your phone via Bluetooth to read and respond to text messages from the chartplotter’s display.
Seamless integration with your instruments
Enjoy a fully connected sailing experience and control and monitor your H5000 instrument system on board from the display. Zeus3 can also take full control of onboard systems using Naviop and CZone, allowing fingertip command and monitoring of lights and systems on board.
A range of mounting options
Zeus3 chartplotters are optimised for sleek flush mounting, standing only 8mm proud of the bulkhead for a low-profile ‘glass helm’ look. Alternatively, mount it using the supplied bracket on horizontal, vertical or overhead surfaces.
Mapping options
Zeus3 chartplotters support a wide range of leading cartography, from C-MAP, Navionics and NV Digital. Take advantage of advanced mapping features including autorouting, dynamic tides and currents, aerial photos and detailed harbour charts to ensure you know exactly what lies beneath your keel at all times.
Easy to expand your network
Just add power to enjoy Zeus3 as a versatile standalone chartplotter with first-rate navigation functions. For the best experience and to take advantage of our award-winning sailing features, network your chartplotter with instruments and sensors using industry standard NMEA 2000 connectivity.
See what lies ahead under the water by adding a ForwardScan transducer. Benefit from a real-time two-dimensional view of the seabed in front of your boat. Navigate into shallow anchorages and poorly charted areas with ease and know what lies ahead with confidence.
Negotiate busy shipping lanes, see through darkness and poor visibility and track weather cells with B&G Broadband Radar on your Zeus3.
NSSevo3 & ZEUS³ 7'' Dash Mount Kit

000-13749-001 NSSevo3 & ZEUS³ 7'' Edge Bezels

000-13744-001 B&G Zeus³ 7'' Sun cover

000-00128-001 4-pin Power Cable for modules and MFDs.

000-13702-001 Bracket