ENTEL DT844 prijenosni VHF radio DTEx serija
ATEX IIB T4 Approved cert
Ultra izdržljiva DTEx serija postavlja mjerilo za sljedeću generaciju ugrađenih radija. Standardne značajke uključuju OLED zaslon visoke vidljivosti, opciju glasovne najave kanala, ergonomske kontrole visokog zakretnog momenta dizajnirane za korištenje s rukavicama i vodeći IP68 2m 4 sata podvodne ocjene, kako bi se osigurala 100% pouzdanost i upotrebljivost čak i u najekstremnijim uvjetima.
- Svi INT, USA i CAN kanali
- IP68 podvodni (2m, 4 sata)
- MILSTD konstrukcija 810C/D/E/F/G
- Li-Ion baterija velikog kapaciteta
- Iznimno glasan i najbolje razjašnjen zvuk - u razredu
- Prikaz broja i frekvencije kanala
- Programabilni gumbi
- Pozlaćeni konektor za dodatke
- Zaključavanje priključka dodatne opreme
- Prilagodba audio pribora optimizira zvuk za svaki dodatak
- Jednostavan za čitanje, visoka kontrakcija bijele boje na crnom OLED zaslonu
- Skeniranje
- Glasovna najava kanala
- Napredna glasovna najava (kapacitet baterije itd.)
Kanali - DT844 je unaprijed programiran sa svim međunarodnim, američkim i kanadskim kanalima, također možete programirati dodatnih 16 privatnih kanala.
Prednosti digitalnog - Digitalni način rada koji daje znatno bolji zvuk, prošireni domet i dulje trajanje baterije u usporedbi s analognim radijima.
Glasovna najava – Ova programabilna značajka najavljuje ili odabranu poziciju kanala ili broj pomorskog kanala (pseudonim) – to daje dodatnu sigurnost korisniku da je odabrao ispravan kanal što mu omogućuje da se usredotoči na zadatak koji obavlja.
Zaštita okoliša prema IP68 (2 metra za 4 sata) - DT844 nudi najvišu ocjenu potopljenosti od svih proizvođača. To štiti od korozije, izdržavajući potpuno uranjanje u vodu do dubine od 2 metra tijekom 4 sata kako bi se zaštitilo od vjerojatnih opasnosti u ekstremno mokrim okruženjima.
Robusna utičnica za dodatnu opremu – DT844 utičnica za dodatnu opremu posebno je dizajnirana tako da kada je dodatna oprema pričvršćena za prijenosni uređaj, veza može izdržati bilo kakvu količinu kazne; od ispuštanja do nepažljive zlouporabe. Robusno, multi-pin sučelje i Micro-USB utičnica su podvodni i pozlaćeni kako bi se smanjio rizik od oštećenja i zaštitili od korozije. Kako bi se osigurala cjelovitost razina zaštite IS, svaki dodatak spojen na slušalicu automatski prolazi postupak provjere valjanosti radi zaštite od korištenja nesukladnih dodataka. Svi dodaci DT844 uključuju robusni konektor za zaključavanje kako bi se dodatno zaštitila sigurnost korisnika.
Visoki kontrast bijelog na crnom OLED zaslonu – model DT844 ima koristi od visokog kontrasta bijelog na crnom OLED zaslonu koji pruža vrhunsku čitljivost u različitim svjetlosnim uvjetima dodajući intuitivno korisničko sučelje DT844.
Tehnologija litij-ionskih baterija i poboljšano vrijeme razgovora – DT844 radio standardno se isporučuje s najnovijom inteligentnom tehnologijom litij-ionskih baterija. Jedna od ključnih prednosti tehnologije litij-ionskih baterija je način na koji eliminira 'efekt pamćenja', što znači da nema potrebe da u potpunosti ispraznite bateriju prije ponovnog punjenja. Kao rezultat toga, sigurni ste da ćete biti potpuno napunjeni svaki put kada izvadite Entel bateriju iz punjača.
Vrhunski zvuk - DT844 prijenosni uređaji isporučuju glasan i oštar zvuk bez obzira na okruženje u kojem se nalazite. Sav asortiman dodataka DT844 uključuje robusni utikač za zaključavanje i visokokvalitetni kabel te koristi prednosti Entelove vlastite tehnologije "Smart Speech Tailoring". Ovo automatski detektira vrstu priključenog pribora i optimizira zvuk u skladu s tim kako bi pružio najbolju izvedbu.
Jednostavna ugrađena aplikacija za reprogramiranje - S našom besplatnom, jedinstvenom i jednostavnom za korištenje PC aplikacijom, možete jednostavno reprogramirati DT844 radio dok ste još u vozilu. Korisnički prilagođena aplikacija olakšava povlačenje i ispuštanje nove programske datoteke iz e-pošte na vaš DT844 radio(e).
Ovo je jednostavan i besprijekoran proces koji može izvesti netehničko osoblje.
Zaključavanje tipkovnice - Kako biste izbjegli slučajno rukovanje, tipke i kontrole vašeg radija mogu se zaključati.
Programabilni gumb za nadzor kanala - Ako imate uključenu zaštitu kanala na svom prijenosnom uređaju DT844, svi signali osim vaših mreža bit će filtrirani. Ovo se može privremeno onemogućiti što vam omogućuje praćenje svih signala na vašem kanalu.
Audio dodaci & BA podrška - Entel također nudi opsežnu ponudu dodataka uključujući Draegor BA, najpopularniji za vatrogasce je CXR koštano vodljivi mikrofon za grlo i lubanju koji eliminira okolnu buku, dodatno poboljšan tehnologijom prilagođavanja govora DT844 koja prvi put pruža razumljivu komunikaciju, svaki put
Skeniraj - programabilna tipka omogućuje skeniranje kanala.
Odobreno ATEX IIB - DT844 ATEX certificirani prijenosni uređaji zadovoljavaju IIB T4 - najstrože ATEX ocjene prema EU direktivi 94/9/EC.
ENTEL DT844 prijenosni VHF radio DTEx serija
Frequency Range |
VHF 156 to 163.275MHz |
Channel Spacing Analogue |
12.5 & 25 KHz |
Operating Voltage |
7.4v |
Weight |
435g |
Overall Dimensions (HxWxD) |
138mm x 60mm x 38mm |
Programmable Buttons |
3 |
Channels |
INT/USA/CAN mode plus private |
Battery |
CNB950EV2 1800mAh Lithium-Ion |
Battery Endurance (5/5/90) Analogue mode |
12 hours |
Battery Endurance (5/5/90) Digital mode |
n/a |
Output Power VHF |
ATEX IIB 3.9 Watts |
Modulation Limiting |
±2.5kHz @ 12.5kHz
±5.0kHz @ 25kHz |
Conducted / Radiated Spurious Emissions |
Better than -36dBm |
Adjacent Channel Power |
Better than 60dB |
Audio Distortion (typical) |
3% |
Sensitivity (Typical) |
-121dBm (0.2uV) for 12dB SINAD |
Intermodulation response rejection (ETSI) |
> 70dB |
Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ETSI) |
> 70dB(12.5KHz) 70dB(25KHz) |
Spurious Response Rejection (ETSI) |
> 70dB |
Audio Output Power |
2-Watts |
Audio Distortion (typical) |
3% |
Conducted Spurious Emission (ETSI) |
> - 57dBm |
Operating Temperature |
-20°C to +55°C |
Storage Temperature |
-40°C to +85°C |
Thermal Shock, Humidity, Shock & Vibration, Packing Test, Drop Test |
MIL-STD810 C/D/E/F/G |
Water Ingress |
IP68 2 metres, 4 hours submersible |
Ex Protection |
ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIB T4 Gb |
ENTEL DT844 prijenosni VHF radio DTEx serija
The ultra durable DTEx Series sets the benchmark for next-generation on-board radios. Standard features include high visibility OLED display, channel voice annunciation option, high torque ergonomic controls designed for gloved-hand use, and industry-leading IP68 2m 4 hours submersible rating, to provide 100% reliability and usability even in the most extreme conditions.
- All INT, USA & CAN channels
- IP68 Submersible (2m, 4 hours)
- MILSTD construction 810C/D/E/F/G
- High capacity Li-Ion battery
- Exceptionally loud & best clarify audio - in class
- Display channel number & frequency
- Programmable buttons
- Gold plated accessory connector
- Locking accessory connector
- Accessory audio tailoring optimises audio for each accessory
- Easy to read, high contract white on black OLED display
- Scan
- Channel voice annunciation
- Advanced voice annunciation (battery capacity etc.)
Channels - The DT844 is pre-programmed with all International, USA and Canadian channels, you can also program an additional 16 private channels.
Benefits of digital - Digital mode which gives significantly better audio, extended range and longer battery life in comparison to analogue radios.
Voice annunciation – This programmable feature announces either the channel position selected or a marine channel number (alias) – this gives further assurance to the user that they’ve selected the correct channel allowing them to focus on the task in hand.
Environmental protection to IP68 (2 Meters for 4 hours) - The DT844 offers the highest submersibility rating of any manufacturer. This protects against corrosion, withstanding total immersion in water to a depth of 2 meters for 4 hours to protect against the likely hazards encountered in extremely wet environments.
Robust accessory socket – DT844 accessory socket has been specifically designed so that when an accessory is secured to the portable, the connection can withstand any amount of punishment; from dropping to careless misuse. The rugged, multi-pin interface and Micro-USB socket are both submersible and gold-plated to minimize any risk of damage and protect against corrosion. To ensure the integrity of IS protection levels any accessory connected to the handset automatically undergoes a validation process to safeguard against non-compliant accessories being used. All DT844 accessories incorporate a robust locking connector to further safeguard the safety of the user.
High contrast white on black OLED display – the DT844 model benefits from a high contrast white on black OLED display that delivers superior readability in varying light conditions adding to the DT844’s intuitive user interface.
Li-Ion battery technology & improved talk time – DT844 radios are supplied with the latest intelligent Lithium-Ion battery technology as standard. One key advantage of Lithium-Ion battery technology is the way it eliminates ‘memory effect’, meaning that there is no need to fully discharge your battery before recharging. As a result of this, you are assured of a full charge each and every time you take your Entel battery from its charger.
Superior Audio - DT844 portables deliver loud & crisp audio no matter what environment you are in. All of the DT844's range of accessories incorporate a robust locking plug and high-grade cable and benefit from Entel’s proprietary “Smart Speech Tailoring” technology. This automatically detects the type of accessory connected and optimizes the audio accordingly to deliver the very best performance.
Simple onboard reprogramming app - With our free, unique and simple to use PC app, you can easily re-program a DT844 radio whilst still onboard. The user friendly app makes it easy to drag and drop a new programming file from an email to your DT844 radio(s).
This is a simple and seamless process that can be carried out by non-technical personnel.
Keylock - To avoid accidental operation, your radio's keys & controls can be locked.
Programmable channel monitor button - If you have channel protection enabled on your DT844 portable, all signals other than your own networks will be filtered out. This can be temporarily disabled allowing you to monitor all signals on your channel.
Audio Accessories & BA Support - Entel also offer an extensive range of accessories including Draegor BA, most popular for Fire Fighters is the CXR bone conductive throat and skull microphones which eliminate ambient noise, further enhanced by DT844's speech tailoring technology delivering intelligible communications first time, every time
Scan - a programmable button allows channel scanning.
ATEX IIB Approved - The DT844 ATEX certified portables meet IIB T4 - the most stringent ATEX ratings as per EU directive 94/9/EC.
DTEx Marine FAQs www.entel.co.uk/DTEx v1.0
What are the key benefits of Entel’s DTEx I.S. (Intrinsically Safe) radios? • Two options of gas groups to meet all on-board marine requirements DT900 Series meets the most stringent standards per IIC classification, the DT800 Series is approved to IIB. • The most natural sounding I.S. radio in both Digital and Analogue modes All DTEx radios use Entel’s speech tailoring technology to deliver the most natural sounding audio from any I.S. DMR Digital radio, not robotic like other DMR radios • The loudest audio Entel’s DTEx radios deliver the loudest audio of all the I.S. radios we tested, essential when working in noisy environments. • Exceptional performance with market leading Breathing Apparatus (BA) com kits DTEx radios have been specifically tailored for use with several market leading BA Com kits. This is achieved by each BA Com kit having its own audio profile stored within Entel’s DTEx radios. • Submersible and robust Being IP68 (4m 2h) submersible, DTEx radios offer the best protection against liquid and dust ingress of all I.S. radios currently available. • Certified to both ATEX & IECEx standards The DT800 and DT900 Series is approved to the ATEX standard whilst the DT500 Series is approved to IECEx standard. • High contrast white on black OLED display DTEx radios benefit from a high contrast while on black OLED display that delivers superior readability in all light conditions. Subject to your requirements, DTEx OLED display can be programmed to give you a simple large and easy to read display or display more detailed information. • Accessory audio optimisation Entel’s intelligent speech tailoring technology optimises audio to match the connected accessory; ensuring the very best clarity, volume and natural sounding audio. Why do Entel’s DT500 & DT800 Series Marine UHF radios only transmit at 2 Watts RF power? This is a global regulation that on-board UHF radios have a maximum RF power of 2 watts ERP, all manufactures have responsibility to be compliant with this regulation. What Approvals do the DT Marine models have? Entel RED approvals can be found at www.entel.co.uk/red Entel MED approvals can be found at www.entel.co.uk/med Can we program the DT radios on-boards? Yes, DTEx radios can easily be re-programmed on-board, please see this video: https://youtu.be/aJ7DI8oPm6w Can we use voice annunciation for non-display models? Yes, the radios channel number will be announced, in the case of VHF Marine models the Marine channel number will be announced as opposed to the channel switch position. DTEx Marine FAQs www.entel.co.uk/DTEx v1.0 Do Entel’s DTEx radios work with my existing Entel / other make I.S. and non I.S. radios? Supporting both analogue and DMR digital modes ensures backwards compatibility with existing analogue radio systems; it is also the route to migrating to fully-digital operations at your own pace. What are the main benefits of using Digital vs. Analogue? • Digital radios don’t suffer from static like Analogue radios so sound much better when receiving a weak signal or being used near to equipment that is causing radio interference • Digital radios have a significantly longer operational time on a single charge (up-to 40% longer, compared to Analogue) • DTEx has exceptional audio quality, far superior to any analogue portables What battery technology is used for DTEx radios? DTEx radios batteries are Lithium-ion (Li-ion), the key benefits are: • Other rechargeable battery technologies suffer with a higher self-discharge rate. Lithium-ion cells rate of self-discharge is much lower than that of other rechargeable technologies such as Ni-Cad and NiMH • Lithium-ion batteries do not require any maintenance to ensure their performance. Ni-Cad cells required periodic discharge maintenance to ensure that they did not exhibit memory effect. What is DTEx radios battery endurance from a single charge? Two-way radio battery endurance measurements are standardised as a 5-5-90 duty cycle (5% transmitting, 5% receiving & 90% standby). DTEx radios 5-5-90 duty cycle endurance in Digital mode at full transmitter power are: • IIC 1W versions = 17.5 Hours • IIB 2W versions = 17 Hours What Entel accessories are available for DTEx radios? Please see the current list of Entel DTEx accessories here: https://www.entel.co.uk/products/range/accessories Click on the DTEx model filter: Model Selection Filter Model DN DTEx DX HT HX Can my old HT Accessories be used with DTEx radios? The only HT accessory that can be used with DTEx is the charger. DTEx Marine FAQs www.entel.co.uk/DTEx v1.0 What other accessories are available for DTEx radios? Other than those listed on Entel’s website and quick start guide, no other accessories are supported or certified as safe to use with DTEx radios. In addition, due to DTEx built-in safety features, unsupported accessories will not work with DTEx radios and the radio will enter its unsafe accessory attached alarm state. If you have a specialist accessory you would like to use w
Tough Submersible Dependable DTEx Series www.entel.co.uk/dt-marine CRYSTAL CLEAR AUDIO Intrinsically Safe, Commercial Marine Portables Business Critical Communications ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIB T4 Gb ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb DMR Digital & Analogue mode EN60945 Marine Approval Submersible IP68 DTEx Series Intrinsically Safe, Commercial Marine Portables Available in either VHF or UHF, display and non-display models, the industrial grade DTEx Series sets the benchmark for next-generation onboard intrinsically safe portables. Standard features include both analogue and digital* modes of operation, high visibility OLED display, high torque ergonomic controls designed for gloved-hand use, and industry-leading IP68 2m 4 hours submersible rating, to provide 100% reliability and usability even in the most extreme conditions. Loudest & Clearest audio – in class Using the latest noise reduction technology, our DTEx portables deliver loud and intelligible audio, essential when working in high ambient noise environments. IP68 2 Metres, 4 Hours Submersible The DTEx Series delivers a class leading IP68 2 metres for 4 hours submersible rating, the highest IP rating of any manufacturer. This ensures protection against corrosion and likely hazards encountered in life at sea. Intrinsically Safe Approved ATEX Approved IIC - The DT900 Series of ATEX certified portables meet IIC gas group, the most stringent ATEX rating as per EU Directive 94/9/EC. ATEX Approved IIB - The DT800 Series of ATEX certified portables meet IIB gas group. IECEx Approval IIB - The DT500 range of intrinsically safe certified portables are suitable for those users who do not need to comply with the European ATEX standard. Industrial grade construction Every aspect of the DTEx radios industrial grade design has been meticulously considered, from the high contrast OLED display, readable in all light conditions to the high torque controls to the ultra-tactile front buttons that ensures reliable operation even when using gloved hands. Voice annunciation This programmable feature gives further assurance to the user that they’ve selected the correct channel allowing them to focus on the task in hand. Benefits of Digital Aside from crystal clear intelligible audio, there is increased range and battery endurance. DTEx also supports analogue mode ensuring backwards compatibility with any existing analogue radios on board. *Digital mode only available on UHF models Informative display shows both the channel number and the frequency Non display model Display model Key Features Industrial grade construction IP68 submersible Digital and analogue modes Outstanding range and performance Crystal clear audio High contrast white on black OLED Simple on-board reprogramming app Extensive range of approved accessories Supports 3rd party BA kit Audio accessory optimisation Migrate to Digital Your Way DTEx UHF radios support both analogue and digital technologies. Supporting both technologies ensures backwards compatibility with existing analogue radio systems and a simple migration path to the many benefits of digital communications. Intelligent Batteries Entel’s intelligent Lithium-Ion batteries are designed to deliver optimum performance and safety. In digital mode the duty cycle of the DT900 radios is more than 17.5 hours from a single charge! Versatile range of accessories From headsets to speaker microphones and advanced bone conduction technology, Entel offer a complete portfolio of accessories to ensure you stay connected. Simple Onboard Reprograming App With our free, unique and simple to use PC app, you can easily re-program a DTEx radios whilst still onboard. The user friendly app makes it easy to drag and drop a new programming file from an email to your DTEx radio(s). This is a simple and seamless process that can be carried out by non-technical personnel. High Grade Accessory Interface The rugged, multi-pin interface and Micro-USB socket are both submersible and gold-plated to minimise any risk of damage and protect against corrosion. To ensure the integrity of IS protection levels and safeguard against non-compliant accessories being used, any accessory connected to the handset automatically undergoes a validation process. All DTEx accessories incorporate a robust locking connector to further safeguard the user. Model List - VHF Model Gas Group Frequency Display / Non display Analogue / Digital RF power DT944 ATEX IIC VHF Display Analogue 1 watt DT942 ATEX IIC VHF Non Analogue 1 watt DT844 ATEX IIB VHF Display Analogue 3.9 watts DT842 ATEX IIB VHF Non Analogue 3.9 watts DT544 IECEx IIB VHF Display Analogue 3.9 watts DT542 IECEx IIB VHF Non Analogue 3.9 watts Model List - UHF Model Gas Group Frequency Display / Non display Analogue / Digital RF power DT985M ATEX IIC UHF Display Analogue & Digital 1 watt DT982M ATEX IIC UHF Non Analogue & Digital 1 watt DT885M ATEX IIB UHF Display Analogue & Digital 2 watts DT882M ATEX IIB UHF Non Analogue & Digital 2 watts DT585M IECEx IIB UHF Display Analogue & Digital 2 watts DT582M IECEx IIB UHF Non Analogue & Digital 2 watts General Frequency Range VHF 156 to 163.275MHz UHF 450-470MHz Channel Spacing 12.5 & 25KHz Operating Voltage 7.4v Weight 435g Overall Dimensions (HxWxD) 138mm x 60mm x 38mm Channels Channels non display version VHF INT/USA/CAN mode plus private UHF up to 99 up to 16 Battery Endurance (5/5/90) *non display models have improved duty cycle of 15% Model Analogue mode Digital mode DT944 14 hours n/a DT844/544 12 hours n/a DT985 14 hours 17.5 hours DT885/585 12 hours 17 hours Receiver Sensitivity (Typical) Analogue -121dBm (0.2uV) for 12dB SINAD Digital -121dBm (0.2uV) for 5% BER Environmental Operating Temperature -20°C to +55°C Storage Temperature -40°C to +85°C Thermal Shock MIL-STD810 C/D/E/F/G Humidity Shock & Vibration Packing Test Drop Test Water Ingress IP68 2 metres, 4 hours submersible Approvals EN 300 720 v2.1.1 EN 301 178 v2.2.2 EN 301 843-1 v2.2.1 EN 301 843-2 v2.2.1 EN 301 489-1 v2.2.0 & EN 301 489-5 v2.2.0 EN 300 113 v2.2.1 EN 60945:2002 EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/A12:2011/ A2:2013 EN 50566:2017, EN 62311:2008 & EN 62209–2:2010 Ex Protection ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIB T4 Gb ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb IECEx Ex ib IIB T4 Gb Transmitter Output Power UHF ATEX IIC 1 Watt ATEX IIB 2 Watts Output Power VHF ATEX IIC 1 Watt ATEX IIB 3.9 Watts Technical Specification Accessories Supplied package includes: Li-Ion battery pack, rapid drop-in charger, belt clip, high-efficiency antenna and quick-start user guide. CSBHT Intelligent six-pod rapid charger CXR5/DT9* Bone conductive skull mic with heavy duty PTT CXR16/DT9* Throat mic / earpiece with heavy duty PTT CMP/DT9 Heavy duty speaker microphone for DT900 and DT800 series CMP/DT5 for DT500 series CHPHS/DT9* Single sided ear defender headset for hard hat use CHPD/DT9* Double sided ear defender headset with headband For the complete range of accessories please visit our website. All specifications are subject to change without notice. * Submersible - PTT only Full list of accessories available online. Submersible products are represented with a water droplet. color10 color10 color10 color10 color10 color10 3rd Party BA Supports 3rd party BA comms kits Contact For more information about our products, please contact us: Entel UK, 320 Centennial Avenue Centennial Park, Elstree, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 3TJ, United Kingdom +44 (0)20 8236 0032 info@entel.co.uk entel.co.uk V1.0 All Rights Reserved. Copyright Entel UK Ltd. CLCDT2 – non display CLCDT5 – display A heavy duty leather carry case with swivel belt loop and strap
As standard the DT Series portable is supplied with:
- Li-Ion battery pack
- Drop in charger
- Belt Clip
- High Efficiency Antenna
- Quick Start User Guide