• 411950-1
  • MEGA Side Imaging +
  • MEGA Down Imaging +
  • Dual Spectrum CHIRP sonar
  • ​9" Color Display
  • izlazna snaga sonara 1 kW
  • Dual Micro SD
  • AutoChart Live, Wi-Fi, NMEA 2000®, Bluetooth®, Ethernet One-Boat Network ™, Built In Mapping
REDOVNA CIJENA: 1.750,00 € 13185,38 kn
WEBSHOP CIJENA: 1.575,00 €
11866,84 kn
Šifra proizvoda: 411950-1
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Humminbird HELIX 9 CHIRP MSI+ (MEGA plus) GPS G4N

Šifra proizvoda : 411950-1


​* Uz kupnju ovog uređaja možete iskoristiti mogućnost kupnje kartografije cijelog Jadranskog mora (PROMO Navionics+ Regular NAEU014R Adriatic sea Croatia-Italy) po cijeni od 132,70 eur (redovna cijena 179,10 eur)  .......................................................................................................................................................


HELIX 9 CHIRP MSI + GPS G4N ima 9 "zaslon, MEGA Side Imaging +, MEGA Down Imaging +, Dual Spectrum CHIRP Sonar i unutarnji GPS s Humminbird osnovnom mapom. Kao i svi modeli HELIX G4N, ovaj HELIX 9 uključuje standardne značajke kao što su AutoChart Live, Wi-Fi i NMEA 2000®, uz Bluetooth® i Ethernet umrežavanje radi kompatibilnosti s obitelji proizvoda One-Boat Network ™ od Humminbirda, Minn Kota i Cannona.


  • Upravljanje tipkovnicom: Master HELIX pritiskom na gumb. Pristupite unaprijed učitanim prikazima iz korisničkog sustava izbornika, upravljanog softverskim tipkama koje vam omogućuju pouzdano upravljanje uređajem za pronalaženje ribe u bilo kojim uvjetima.
  • MEGA Side Imaging +: Pogledajte svijet dolje kao nikada prije, kristalno čistim Side Imagingom gledajte na 200 metara s obje strane vašeg broda. Otključat ćete više ribe i strukture s 20% više detalja i 60% većim dometom od MEGA sonara za bočno snimanje.
  • MEGA Down Imaging +: Ostvarite neviđenu jasnoću pod vodom s pokrivanjem Down Imaginga do 200 metara ispod vašeg broda. Otključat ćete više riba i struktura s 20% više detalja i 60% većom dubinom od MEGA sonara za obradu slike.
  • Dvostruki spektar CHIRP sonara (Dual Spectrum CHIRP sonar): Prije bacanja, znajte što je tu dolje zahvaljujući visoko detaljnim ribljim lukovima i jasnom pogledu na strukturu držanja ribe i dno. Dual Spectrum, zahvaljujući vlastitom, nisko-Q CHIRP pretvaraču, nudi dva načina pretraživanja; Široki način rada za maksimalno pokrivanje i Uži način rada za fokusiranje na najmanji detalj.
  • Interni GPS i Humminbird osnovna karta: Naša poboljšana osnovna karta pruža vam jasan pogled na podvodni teren i okolne točke od interesa, tako da možete s punim povjerenjem loviti i kretati se. Prepoznajte plutače, dnevne markere, opasnosti, marine, konture, oznake dubine i još mnogo, mnogo više. Uključuje karte s više od 10 000 jezera, plus obalno pokriće za kontinentalni dio SAD-a
  • Kompatibilno s vrhunskim kartama: Humminbird pruža ribolovcima svugdje cjelovitu ponudu premium opcija grafikona. Ostvarite cjelovit pogled na svijet dolje s opcijskim kartama proizvoda Humminbird's LakeMaster® i CoastMaster ™, kao i odabranim kompatibilnim Navionics® kartama.
  • AutoChart Live: Stvorite karte vaših ribolovnih mjesta u stvarnom vremenu s pristupom patentiranim značajkama Humminbird® LakeMaster®. Mapirajte konture dubine, tvrdoću dna i vegetaciju dok vozite svoj čamac. Dolazi standardno s osam (8) sati ugrađenog vremena snimanja i kompatibilan je s AutoChart Zero Line SD karticama za gotovo beskrajan kapacitet mapiranja AutoChart Live.
  • One-Boat Network Compatible: Mnogi Humminbirdovi modeli neprimjetno se integriraju i komuniciraju s proizvodima Minn Kota i Cannon kako bi svugdje otključali više značajki i mogućnosti ribolovaca. Iskoristite više vremena na vodi s ekskluzivnom kontrolom broda i značajkama hvatanja ribe mreže One-Boat.
  • Ethernet umrežavanje: Ethernet velike brzine omogućuje vam izgradnju moćnog profesionalnog ribolovnog sustava. Jednostavno povežite više uređaja za pronalaženje ribe ili nadogradite na dodatne tehnologije poput Minn Kota i-Pilot Link i Humminbird CHIRP Radar.
  • Bluetooth: Preuzmite kontrolu izravno sa zaslona svog Humminbirda bežičnom komunikacijom do kompatibilnih sidara za plitku vodu Talon i Raptor, kao i Cannon Optimum downriggera. Dodatne značajke uključuju ažuriranja bežičnog softvera iz aplikacije Humminbird FishSmart i prikaz obavijesti pametnih telefona na vašem Humminbirdu.
  • Ugrađeno NMEA 2000 umrežavanje: povežite pomoćnu NMEA 2000 mrežu s upravljačkom glavom za još više informacija; od performansi broda do vremenskih i vodenih uvjeta, shvatite sve to umrežavanjem NMEA 2000.
  • Uključuje upravljačku glavu, pretvarač za montiranje na presjek i hardver za ugradnju, kabel za napajanje, nosač za montiranje na kardansku ploču.
  • 2-godišnje ograničeno jamstvo


Humminbird HELIX 9 CHIRP MSI+ (MEGA plus) GPS G4N  411380-1

Item Number 411380-1
Series HELIX
Display Size - Diagonal 9"
Display Pixel Matrix 1024H x 600V
Sonar-Standard HD Down Imaging, MEGA Down Imaging+, MEGA Side Imaging+
Sonar-Coverage 20°, 42°, 60°, (2) 86° & (2) 55° @ -10dB
Sonar-Optional 50 kHz, 50/Low Airmar CHIRP
CHIRP - Frequencies Supported Full Mode (150-220 kHz), Narrow Mode (180-240 kHz), Wide Mode (140-200 kHz)
Sonar-Frequencies Supported 50/83/200/455/800 kHz & 1.2 MHz
Depth-Sonar 1,200 ft (standard transducer), 3,500 ft (optional 50 kHz)
CHIRP - Imaging-Frequencies Supported 455 kHz DI+ (435-535 kHz), 455 kHz SI+ (405-505 kHz), 800 kHz DI+ (800-860 kHz), 800 kHz SI+ (780-840 kHz), MEGA DI+ (1100-1200 kHz), MEGA SI+ (1050-1175 kHz)
Depth-Down Imaging 125 ft (800 kHz), 200 ft (MEGA), 400 ft (455 kHz)
Range-Side Imaging (Side-To-Side) 250 ft (800 kHz), 400 ft (MEGA), 800 ft (455 kHz)
Interface Keypad Control
Features Bluetooth, Built In GPS, Built In Mapping, CHIRP Digital Sonar, Down Imaging, Dual Spectrum CHIRP, MEGA Imaging+, Networking, Side Imaging, Wi-Fi
Memory Card Slot Dual Micro SD
Compatible With AIS, AutoPilot, MEGA 360, Minn Kota Built-In MEGA DI, Minn Kota Built-In MEGA SI, Minn Kota i-Pilot Link, Minn Kota Talon/Raptor, Minn Kota US2 Sonar, NMEA 2000, One-Boat Network, Radar
Power Draw 1 Amp
Power Input 10.8-20 VDC
Power Output Peak-to-Peak 8000 Watts
Power Output RMS 1000 Watts
Screen Snap Shot Included
Sonar Recording Included
Mount-Standard Gimbal
Mount-Standard Size 12.00” W x 7.0” H x 4.13” D
Mount-Optional Size 12.00” W x 6.63” H x 1.32” D
Transducer Mount Location Transom
GPS Chartplotting Included
GPS Trackplotting Included
LakeMaster Compatibility Yes
Coast Master Compatibility Yes
Navionics Gold/HotMaps Compatibility Yes
Navionics Platinum + Compatibility Yes
Platinum Compatibility Yes
Heading Sensor GPS Compatibility Yes
Upgradable Software Yes
View Preset Keys Yes
X-Press Menu System Yes
Custom Digital Readout Yes
Custom View Selections No
Display Colors Grayscale 16-Bit
Display Size 8" - 10"
Speed Included
Temperature Built In
Temperature Alarm Yes
Temperature Graph Yes
Transducer Included XM 9 HW MSI T
HDMI Compatible No

Humminbird HELIX 9 CHIRP MSI+ (MEGA plus) GPS G4N  411380-1

  • zaslon Helix 9 CHIRP MSI+ GPS G4N
  • nosač zaslona
  • zaštitni poklopac za zaslon
  • krmena sonda XM 9 HW MSI T s 6m kabela 710282-1
  • nosač za krmenu sondu
  • kabel za napajanje
  • dokumentacija

Humminbird HELIX 9 CHIRP MSI+ (MEGA plus) GPS G4N  411380-1

The HELIX 9 CHIRP MSI+ GPS G4N features a 9" display, MEGA Side Imaging+, MEGA Down Imaging+, Dual Spectrum CHIRP Sonar and internal GPS with Humminbird Basemap. As with all HELIX G4N models, this HELIX 9 includes standard features such as AutoChart Live, Wi-Fi and NMEA 2000®, in addition to Bluetooth® and Ethernet networking for compatibility with the One-Boat Network™ family of products from Humminbird, Minn Kota and Cannon.



  • Keypad control: Master HELIX at the touch of a button. Access the preloaded views from the user-friendly menu system, operated by soft key controls that allow you to reliably operate your fish finder in any conditions.
  • MEGA Side Imaging+: See the world below like never before with a crystal-clear Side Imaging viewing out to 200 feet on either side of your boat. You'll unlock more fish and structure with 20% more detail and 60% more range capability than MEGA Side Imaging sonar.
  • MEGA Down Imaging+: Get unprecedented underwater clarity with Down Imaging coverage down to 200 feet below your boat. You'll unlock more fish and structure with 20% more detail and 60% more depth capability than MEGA Down Imaging sonar.
  • Dual Spectrum CHIRP sonar: Before you cast, know what's down there thanks to highly-detailed fish arches and a clear view of fish-holding structure and the bottom. Powered by our proprietary, Low-Q CHIRP transducer, Dual Spectrum offers two ways to search; Wide Mode for maximum coverage and Narrow Mode for focusing on the slightest detail.
  • Internal GPS and Humminbird Basemap: Our enhanced basemap provides you with a clear view of underwater terrain and surrounding points of interest so you can fish and navigate with total confidence. Identify buoys, day markers, hazards, marinas, contours, depth markers and much, much more. Includes charts of more than 10,000 lakes, plus coastal coverage for the continental U.S.
  • Premium Chart Compatible: Humminbird provides the most complete offering of premium chart options to anglers everywhere. Get a complete view of the world below with optional charts from Humminbird's LakeMaster® and CoastMaster™ products, as well as your choice of compatible Navionics® charts.
  • AutoChart Live: Create real-time maps of your fishing spots, with access to patented Humminbird® LakeMaster® features. Map depth contours, bottom hardness and vegetation as you drive your boat. Comes standard with eight (8) hours of built-in recording time and is compatible with AutoChart Zero Line SD cards for virtually-endless AutoChart Live mapping capacity.
  • One-Boat Network Compatible: Many Humminbird models seamlessly integrate and communicate with Minn Kota and Cannon products to unlock more features and capabilities for anglers everywhere. Make the more of your time on the water with the exclusive boat control and fish-catching features of the One-Boat Network.
  • Ethernet Networking: High-speed Ethernet allows you to build a powerful, professional-grade fishing system. Easily connect multiple fish finders, or upgrade to add-on technologies like Minn Kota i-Pilot Link and Humminbird CHIRP Radar.
  • Bluetooth: Take control right from the screen of your Humminbird with wireless communication to compatible Talon and Raptor shallow water anchors, as well as Cannon Optimum downriggers. Additional features include wireless software updates from the Humminbird FishSmart App and display of smart phone notifications on your Humminbird.
  • NMEA 2000 networking built-in: Connect an accessory NMEA 2000 network to your control head for even more information; from boat performance to weather and water conditions, make sense of it all with NMEA 2000 networking.
  • Includes control head, transom mount transducer and mounting hardware, power cable, gimbal mounting bracket.
  • 2-Year Limited Warranty

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