Part Number : 000-15405-001
NSS9 evo3S je sve-u-jednom MFD, s ugrađenim dvokanalnim CHIRP sonarom, GPS-om i WIFI-jem. Podrška za opcije karte, radare, autopilot, instrumentaciju i još mnogo toga.
NSS9evo3S - 9-inčni MFD zaslon visoke razlučivosti, koji je izvrstan za središnje konzole i druge motorne čamce.
Uz iMX 8 procesor visokih performansi, sa super brzim vremenom odziva, ovaj kompaktni paket pruža opsežnu funkcionalnost. Uživajte u zadivljujućoj jasnoći i ultra širokim kutovima gledanja u kombinaciji sa zaslonom osjetljivim na dodir za sve vremenske uvjete i tipkovnicom za potpunu kontrolu u svim uvjetima. Uključuje unaprijed učitane C-MAP® karte.
Glavne značajke
- iMX 8 Integrirani procesor za vrhunske performanse
- 9-inčni SolarMAX™ IPS zaslon s ultra širokim kutovima gledanja; vidljivo kroz polarizirane sunčane naočale
- Neometano prebacivanje između kontrole dodirnog zaslona i tipkovnice
- Ugrađeni ehosonder visokih performansi s CHIRP-om od 1 kW
- Ugrađeni GPS prijemnik i bežično povezivanje
- Upravljajte Simrad sonarom, radarom, autopilotom i ostalim dodacima
- Standardno povezivanje s motorima, zvučnim sustavom i još mnogo toga
- TripIntel™ planiranje putovanja i podrška za automatsko usmjeravanje
- Odaberite niskoprofilnu ugradbenu montažu ili prikladnu montažu na nosač
- Preuzmite aplikaciju Simrad i povežite se s pametnim telefonima, tabletima i internetskim pristupnim točkama
- Podržava SteadySteer™, poboljšanje performansi autopilota za NAC-2 i NAC-3 autopilot računala opremljena RPU pogonskim pumpama
- Kompatibilan s CZone® digitalnim preklopnim uređajem, omogućava upravljanje s MFD-a putem NMEA 2000 mreže
- Mercury® Smart Tow® omogućen za oblikovanje buđenja
- ITC rasvjetnim sustavima može se upravljati pomoću upravljačke trake ITC rasvjete
- Podržava informacije o motoru Honda ECO moda
- Indikator položaja plana (PPI) i poboljšane mogućnosti sučelja za AIS
- Podržava SiriusXM® WM-4 satelitski Weather modul i uslugu Fish Mapping™ (zahtijeva pretplatu, samo Sjeverna Amerika)
Iskoristite svoje iskustvo plovidbe na najbolji način
Preuzmite potpunu kontrolu nad svojim iskustvom na vodi. SolarMAX® IPS zasloni nude iznimnu jasnoću i ultraširoke kutove gledanja u svim svjetlosnim uvjetima, dok iMX 8 procesor visokih performansi pruža superbrzo vrijeme odziva za besprijekorne prijelaze zaslona. Birajte između tehnologije dodirnog zaslona za sve vremenske uvjete ili tipkovnice s rotirajućim kotačićem kako situacija zahtijeva. Lako je nadzirati i kontrolirati svu svoju elektroniku na vozilu s jednostavnim izbornicima, prilagodljivim izgledima podijeljenog zaslona i programabilnom funkcijskom tipkom za pristup značajkama koje najčešće koristite jednim gumbom.
SolarMAX IPS zasloni osiguravaju jasan pogled u svim uvjetima
Ostvarite jasan pogled u svim uvjetima osvjetljenja uz SolarMax IPS tehnologiju, koja sve drži na vidiku uz ultra široke kutove gledanja, čak i ako nosite polarizirane sunčane naočale. Ovi zasloni za sve vremenske uvjete konstruirani su da izdrže toplinu ljetnog sunca i optički su povezani kako bi se spriječila kondenzacija ili zamagljivanje unutar zaslona. Lakše je nego ikad trenutno pristupiti i kontrolirati svu svoju elektroniku na vozilu putem jednostavnih izbornika i prilagodljivih rasporeda podijeljenog zaslona.
Ugrađeni ehosonder visokih performansi podržava ribolov i sigurnije krstarenje
Samo dodajte svoj izbor sonde. 1kW CHIRP-omogućen sonar pruža iznimne performanse praćenja dna i pronalaženja ribe, uključujući podršku za dvokanalne CHIRP pretvarače koji pružaju pokrivenost višestrukog raspona dubine iz jedne jedinice. Dvostruki priključci za sonde nude praktičnost povezivanja više sonde na jedan zaslon. Napredna procesorska snaga jednostavno pokreće ActiveTarget™, sonar s najvećom razlučivosti na tržištu, Active Imaging™, pružajući slike strukture za držanje ribe, i sonar ForwardScan®, za najsigurnije iskustvo na vodi s kristalno čistim pogledom na dno naprijed.
Brzo i jednostavno umrežavanje povezuje širok raspon dodatne opreme
Povezivanje standardno u industriji olakšava stvaranje sustava s više zaslona i povezivanje zaslona sa svom vašom elektronikom na vozilu; dok iMX 8 procesor visokih performansi osigurava nadzor motora i goriva u stvarnom vremenu, kontrolu ugrađenih zvučnih sustava i još mnogo toga.
Integrirajte se s proširenim rasponom tehnologija treće strane – CZone® digitalno prebacivanje, Mercury® Smart Tow® za surfanje i wakeboarding, kontrolirajte svjetlosne efekte pomoću kontrolne trake ITC Lighting i informacije o motoru Honda ECO moda. Proširite svoj sustav Simrad modulima i dodacima, ribarite pametnije uz S5100 ili StructureScan® 3D koji mijenja igru i pogledajte dalje uz legendarni radar HALO™ Pulse Compression. Ili, oslobodite ruke od volana s potpuno integriranim Simrad autopilotom i doživite poboljšanu funkcionalnost autopilota uz SteadySteer™ (kompatibilan s RPU pogonskim pumpama).
Bežično povezivanje s vašim pametnim telefonom ili tabletom
Preslikajte svoj zaslon na kompatibilne iOS i Android uređaje i uživajte u pristupu kartama, radaru, sonaru, podacima motora i više s bilo kojeg mjesta na brodu. Bežična povezanost također omogućuje jednostavnu on-line nadogradnju softvera putem bilo koje internetske pristupne točke, dajući vam pristup najnovijim značajkama i podršci za dodatnu opremu. Ili preuzmite aplikaciju Simrad za još bogatije iskustvo – od registracije uređaja, ručnog preuzimanja do spremanja putnih točaka i omiljenih ribolovnih mjesta – dostupnih na vodi i izvan nje.
Opcije radara
Dodajte radarski sustav Halo™ Pulse Compression za sigurno krstarenje kroz pretrpane luke, navigaciju pri slaboj vidljivosti, pazite na udaljene vremenske pozive, pa čak i locirajte jata ptica koje se hrane koja upućuju na dobra mjesta za ribolov.
Najnovija ažuriranja softvera sadrže niz poboljšanja radarskih ploča i AIS-a. To uključuje kao primjere:
- Vizualna poboljšanja grafike i prikazanih podataka. Kao što su poboljšanja dizajna indikatora plana položaja (PPI) i AIS ciljevi prikazani kao obris plovila.
- Nova struktura izbornika, koja omogućuje lakši pristup uobičajenim kontrolama i značajkama.
- Novi AIS i MARPA simboli cilja koji pružaju dodatne informacije za nepokretne i pokretne mete podržane boljom grafikom za jasnije vizualno objašnjenje.
- Pokretni radarski MARPA i AIS ciljevi sada prikazuju graduirani trag koji prikazuje povijest položaja plovila u prošlosti na radaru PPI. Duljina trajanja povijesti može se prilagoditi.
- Pojednostavljenje prikazanih ciljeva kombiniranjem MARPA i AIS ciljeva za isto plovilo kao jedan simbol.
- Značajan novi alat za sigurnost i situacijsku svijest, upozorenje o opasnom cilju; koji se pojavljuje u skočnom prozoru, koji ne samo da upozorava korisnika, već ga vodi do relativnog dometa i smjera opasnog cilja.
- Uvođenje novih 'ručica za podešavanje' olakšava postavljanje Guard zona pomoću zaslona osjetljivog na dodir.
Part Number : 000-15405-001
Dimensions |
287 x 166 x 90 mm (11.30 x 6.55 x 3.50")with bracket 311 x 180 x 95 (11.30 x 7.07 x 3.72) |
Weight |
1.41kg/3.11lb |
Operating temperature range |
-15°C to +55°C (5° F to 131° F) |
Environment Shock Vibration |
100,000 cycles of 20G |
Storage temperature range |
-20°C to +60°C (4°F to 140°F) |
Water resitance |
IPX6 and 7 |
Supply voltage |
10 - 31.2 V DC |
Fuse rating |
5A |
Power consumption (Max) |
21W |
Display backlight color |
White |
Display resolution |
600 x 1280 |
Display screen brightness |
1200 nits |
Display size and type |
High Visibility SolarMax HD® IPS 7" optically bonded TFT |
Display viewing angles |
80° top/bottom, 80° left/right |
Ethernet |
1 x 5 pin yellow connector x 1 Mbit |
Bluetooth |
Internal |
NMEA2000 connectivity |
1 x NMEA 2000 Micro-C port, 1 LEN |
Receive only
- 59392 ISO Acknowledgement
- 59904 ISO Request
- 60160 ISO Transport Protocol, Data Transfer
- 60416 ISO Transport Protocol, Connection M.
- 65240 ISO Commanded Address
- 60928 ISO Address Claim
- 126208 ISO Command Group Function
- 126992 System Time
- 126996 Product Info
- 126998 Configuration Information
- 127233 Man Overboard Notification (MOB)
- 127237 Heading/Track Control
- 127245 Rudder
- 127250 Vessel Heading
- 127251 Rate of Turn
- 127252 Heave
- 127257 Attitude
- 127258 Magnetic Variation
- 127488 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update
- 127489 Engine Parameters, Dynamic
- 127493 Transmission Parameters, Dynamic
- 127500 Load Controller Connection State / Control
- 127501 Binary Status Report
- 127503 AC input status
- 127504 AC Output Status
- 127505 Fluid Level
- 127506 DC Detailed Status
- 127507 Charger Status
- 127508 Battery Status
- 127509 Inverter Status
- 128259 Speed, Water referenced
- 128267 Water Depth
- 128275 Distance Log
- 129025 Position, Rapid Update
- 129026 COG & SOG, Rapid Update
- 129029 GNSS Position Data
- 129033 Time & Date
- 129038 AIS Class A Position Report
- 129039 AIS Class B Position Report
- 129040 AIS Class B Extended Position Report
- 129041 AIS aids to Navigation
- 129283 Cross Track Error
- 129284 Navigation Data
- 129539 GNSS DOPs
- 129540 AIS Class B Extended Position Report
- 129545 GNSS RAIM Output
- 129549 DGNSS Corrections
- 129551 GNSS Differential Correction Receiver Signal
- 129793 AIS UTC and Date Report
- 129794 AIS aids to Navigation
- 129798 AIS SAR Aircraft Position Report
- 129801 Cross Track Error
- 129802 AIS Safety Related Broadcast Message
- 129283 Cross Track Error
- 129284 Navigation Data
- 129539 GNSS DOPs
- 129540 GNSS Sats in View
- 129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data
- 129801 AIS Addressed Safety Related Message
- 129802 AIS Safety Related Broadcast Message
- 129808 DSC Call Information
- 129809 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part A
- 129810 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part B
- 130060 Label
- 130074 Route and WP Service - WP List - WP Name & Position
- 130306 Wind Data
- 130310 Environmental Parameters
- 130311 Environmental Parameters
- 130312 Temperature
- 130313 Humidity
- 130314 Actual Pressure
- 130316 Temperature, Extended Range
- 130569 Entertainment - Current File and Status
- 130570 Entertainment - Library Data File
- 130571 Entertainment - Library Data Group
- 130572 Entertainment - Library Data Search
- 130573 Entertainment - Supported Source Data
- 130574 Entertainment - Supported Zone Data
- 130576 Small Craft Status
- 130577 Direction Data
- 130578 Vessel Speed Components
- 130579 Entertainment - System Configuration Status
- 130580 Entertainment - System Configuration Status
- 130581 Entertainment - Zone Configuration Status
- 130582 Entertainment - Zone Volume Status
- 130583 Entertainment - Available Audio EQ Presets
- 130584 Entertainment - Bluetooth Devices
- 130585 Entertainment - Bluetooth Source Status
NMEA 2000 PGN's Transmit
- 60160 ISO Transport Protocol, Data Transfer
- 60416 ISO Transport Protocol, Connection M.
- 126208 ISO Command Group Function
- 126992 System Time
- 126993 Heartbeat
- 126996 Product Info
- 127237 Heading/Track Control
- 127250 Vessel Heading
- 127258 Magnetic Variation
- 127502 Switch Bank Control
- 128259 Speed, Water referenced
- 128267 Water Depth
- 128275 Distance Log
- 129025 Position, Rapid Update
- 129026 COG & SOG, Rapid Update
- 129029 GNSS Position Data
- 129283 Cross Track Error
- 129285 Navigation - Route/WP Information
- 129284 Navigation Data
- 129285 Route/Waypoint Data
- 129539 GNSS DOPs
- 129540 GNSS Sats in View
- 130074 Route and WP Service - WP List - WP Name & Position
- 130306 Wind Data
- 130310 Environmental Parameters
- 130311 Environmental Parameters
- 130312 Temperature
- 130577 Direction Data
- 130578 Vessel Speed Components
NMEA 0183 connectivity |
1 x Transmit, 1 x Receive NMEA 0183, Baud Rates 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400. TX and RX use same baud rate. Optional data cable required (P/N 000-00129-001) |
NMEA 0183 sentences |
Input: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, VTG, ZDA, RMC, DBT, DPT, MTW, VLW, VHW, HDG, HDT, HDM, MWV, MWD, DSC, DSE, VDM. (Note AIS sentences are not bridged to or from NMEA 2000) Output GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, VTG, ZDA, RMC, DBT, DPT, MTW, VLW, VHW, HDG, MWV, MWD, TLL, TTM" |
Video connectivity |
2 x composite (RCA connectors)video inputs. Optional video/ data cable required (P/N 000-00129-001). |
WiFi connectivity |
Internal |
Sonar frequencies |
40-250kHz 455-800kHz |
Sonar max depth |
3000’+ (tested with B175L) |
Sonar output power |
1kW RMS |
Compliance |
CE, C-Tick,HDMI(12&16"), EN 60950-1:2006, EN 60945:2002 |
EN 300 440-2, V1.4.2
Internal |
GPS update rate |
10 Hz |
GPS channels |
34 Channels |
GPS correction |
GPS position accuracy |
Horizontal Accuracy 3 m (9.8 ft) |
GPS time to first fix |
Cold start 50 sec, Satellite Reacquisition 5 sec |
Interface |
Full touch screen (multi-touch ) and full keypad control, OP50 remote controllers |
Charts Incuded |
Insight |
Radar |
Broadband Radar, Halo Pulse Compression Radar, HD Pulse Radar |
Sonar |
Two 9 pin Xsonic Sonar ports. Sonar port 1: Single channel CHIRP, 50/200 khz, HDI. Sonar port 2: Single channel CHIRP, 50/200 khz, TotalScan, LSS HD, ForwardScan.Compatible with: SonarHub, BSM-3, BSM-2, network echo sounders" |
Weather |
SiriusXM via WM-3 (USA only), GRIB |
Receive AIS data over NMEA 2000 or *NMEA 0183 (has to be wired to all NSS processors) |
Auto pilot integration |
Full auto pilot control and commissioning |
Autopilot steering modes |
Auto, Nav., No Drift, Follow up, Non-follow up, Turn patterns, Standby, *Wind, *Wind NAV. (*Boat type set to Sail) |
Autopilot manouevres turn patterns |
U-turn, Spiral-turn, C-turn, Zig-zag, Square-turn, Lazy S-turn, Depth contour tracking |
Supported Charts |
Insight, Navionics (Gold, NAV+ Platinum+) , C-MAP (MAX N, MAX N+) NV Digital (Raster US Charts) |
Digital switching |
BEP C-Zone, Naviop |
External storage |
2 MicroSD slots, max. 32GB each. Larger if formatted to NTFS |
Internal storage |
16 GB |
Multi-media |
via SonicHub2, FusionLink, *Sirius, **JL Audio. *USA only, **AUST. & NZ only) |
Waypoints, routes & tracks |
6000 waypoints, 500 Routes with 100 max route points, 50 tracks with up to 12,000 track points. |
Launguage Support |
Standard Language Pack: English(US), English(UK), Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish. |
Other languages supported by Unlock: Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Slovak, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic,Farsi
NSS9 evo3S is an all-in-one MFD, with built-in dual channel CHIRP sonar, GPS and WIFI. Support for chart options, Radars, Autopilot, Instrumentation and much more.
Part Number: 000-15405-001
NSS9evo3S - A high-definition 9-inch MFD display, that’s great for centre consoles and other powerboats.
Featuring a iMX 8 high-performance processor, with superfast response times, this compact package delivers extensive functionality. Enjoy stunning clarity and ultra-wide viewing angles, combined with an all-weather touchscreen and keypad for total control in all conditions. Includes preloaded C-MAP® charts.
Key Features
- iMX 8 Integrated processor for superior performance
- 9-inch SolarMAX ™ IPS display with ultra-wide viewing angles; viewable through Polarized sunglasses
- Switch seamlessly between touchscreen and keypad control
- Built in high-performance echosounder with 1kW CHIRP
- Built-in GPS receiver and wireless connectivity
- Control Simrad sonar, radar, autopilot, and other accessories
- Industry-standard connectivity to engines, sound system, and more
- TripIntel™ trip planning and support for automatic routing
- Choose low-profile flush mounting or convenient bracket mounting
- Download the Simrad App and connect with smartphones, tablets, and internet hotspots
- Supports SteadySteer™, an autopilot performance enhancement for NAC-2 and NAC-3 autopilot computers fitted with RPU drive pumps
- Compatible with a CZone® digital switching device, enabling control from the MFD via the NMEA 2000 network
- Mercury® Smart Tow® enabled for wake shaping
- ITC Lighting systems can be controlled with an ITC Lighting control bar
- Supports Honda ECO mode engine information
- Plan Position Indicator (PPI) and AIS enhanced interface capabilities
- Supports the SiriusXM® WM-4 satellite Weather module and Fish Mapping™ service (requires a subscription, North America only)
Make the most of your boating experience
Take total control of your on-water experience. SolarMAX® IPS displays offer exceptional clarity and ultra-wide viewing angles in any light conditions, while a iMX 8 high-performance processor delivers superfast response times for seamless screen transitions. Choose between all-weather touchscreen technology or keypad with a rotary dial as the situation demands. It’s easy to monitor and control all of your on-board electronics with simple menus, customisable split-screen layouts, and a programmable function key for one-button access to the features you use most.
SolarMAX IPS displays ensure clear views in any conditions
Get a clear view under any lighting conditions with SolarMax IPS technology, which keeps everything in sight with ultra-wide viewing angles, even if you’re wearing polarised sunglasses. These all-weather screens have been engineered to withstand the heat of the summer sun and are optically bonded to prevent condensation or fogging within the display. It’s easier than ever to instantly access and control all of your on-board electronics via simple menus and customisable split-screen layouts.
Built-in high performance echosounder supports fishing and safer cruising
Just add your choice of transducer. 1kW CHIRP-enabled sonar provides exceptional bottom-tracking and fish-finding performance, including support for dual-channel CHIRP transducers that deliver multiple depth range coverage from a single unit. Dual transducer ports offer the convenience of connecting multiple transducers to a single display. Advanced processing power easily powers ActiveTarget™, the highest resolution live sonar on the market, Active Imaging™, providing picture-like views of fish-holding structure, and ForwardScan® sonar, for the safest on-water experience with crystal clear views of the bottom ahead.
Fast and Simple networking connects a wide range of accessories
Industry-standard connectivity makes it easy to create multi-display systems and link displays to all of your on-board electronics; while a iMX 8 high-performance processor ensures engine and fuel monitoring in real-time, control of on-board sound systems and much more.
Integrate with an expanded range of 3rd party technologies – CZone® digital switching, Mercury® Smart Tow® for surf and wakeboarding, control lighting effects with an ITC Lighting control bar, and Honda ECO mode engine information. Expand your system with Simrad modules and accessories, fish smarter with the game-changing S5100 or StructureScan® 3D, and see further with legendary HALO™ Pulse Compression radar. Or, free your hands from the wheel with a fully integrated Simrad autopilot and experience enhanced autopilot functionality with SteadySteer™ (compatible with RPU drive pumps).
Wireless connectivity to your smartphone or tablet
Mirror your display to compatible iOS and Android devices and enjoy access to charts, radar, sonar, engine data and more from anywhere on board. Wireless connectivity also enables easy on-line software upgrades through any internet hotspot, giving you access to the latest features and accessory support. Or download the Simrad App for an even richer experience – from device registration, manual downloads to saving waypoints and your favourite fishing spots – accessible both on- and off- the water.
Radar options
Add Halo™ Pulse Compression radar system to cruise safely through crowded harbours, navigate in poor visibility, keep an eye on distant weather calls and even locate flocks of feeding birds that hint at good fishing spots.
Latest software updates feature a host of Radar panel and AIS user improvements. These include as examples:
- Visual enhancements to graphics and data displayed. Such as Plan Position Indicator (PPI) design improvements and AIS targets displayed as an outline of a vessel.
- A new menu structure, allowing easier access to commonly used controls and features.
- New AIS and MARPA target symbols providing additional information for stationary and moving targets supported by better graphics for clearer visual explanation.
- Moving Radar MARPA and AIS targets now display a graduated trail showing the vessel’s past position history on the radar PPI. Duration of history length can be customised.
- Simplification of displayed targets by combining MARPA and AIS targets for the same vessel as one symbol.
- A significant new safety and situational awareness tool, a Dangerous Target Alert; appearing in a pop-up window, that not only alerts the user, but guides them to the relative range and bearing of the dangerous target.
- The introduction of new ‘adjustment handles’ making it easier to set Guard zones using a touch screen.
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000-13741-001 |
NSS9 evo3/evo3S Sun Cover
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4-Pin Power Cable
4-pin Power Cable for modules and MFDs.