Sonda XSONIC Airmar® HDI XDCR kroz trup
- 50/200, 455/800 kHz
- podržava downscan
- ne pokazuje temperaturu
The HDI (Hybrid Dual Imaging) xSonic Transducer is a bronze, thru-hull transducer providing Low and High CHIRP, plus DownScan Imaging™.
Key Features
- Provides 50/200kHz traditional frequencies PLUS 455/800kHz Down Scan Imaging plus temperature
- Available in 0°12°20°tilt angles
- 10 m (33 ft) cable
- Black 9 Pin connector
Opcije Sonde XSONIC Airmar® HDI XDCR brončana kroz trup su slijedeće :
- XSONIC Airmar® HDI XDCR tilt 0° Part Number: 000-13905-001
- XSONIC Airmar® HDI XDCR tilt 12° Part Number: 000-13906-001
- XSONIC Airmar® HDI XDCR tilt 20° Part Number: 000-13907-001
u poziciji varijacije proizvoda potrebno je odabrati sondu s odgovarajućim tiltom ( dakle potrebno je znati koliki je nagib na trupu broda zbog tilta sonde, sonda 0° je kad se montira na ravno dno )
Bronze HDI XDCR 0 TILT 50/200 455/800: Black 9 Pin pin connector: Cable length 10 m (33.0 ft):
Part Number: 000-13905-001
Introducing NEW Bronze Hybrid Dual Imaging™ (HDI) tilted element thru hull transducers-
- Provides 50/200kHz traditional frequencies PLUS 455/800kHz Down Scan Imaging plus temperature
- Available in 0°12°20°tilt angles
- 10 m (33 ft) cable
Beam Width at -3dB
- 50kHz 45°
- 200kHz 11°
- 455kHz
•Fore to aft 2.8° •Port to starboard 56° –800kHz •Fore to aft 1.6° •Port to starboard 32°
The transducer comes with a 10 m (33 ft) cable and black 9 pin connector which plugs directly into a compatible echo sounder. The transducer must be selected in the installation menu on the device.