TurboSwing XXL TWIN šipka za vuču

  • za plovila sa dva motora (100-250 KS)
  • poboljšava stabilnost plovila i upravljivost, štedi gorivo i unapređuje silu povlačenja
  • podiže konop za vuču iznad dohvata vala ili propelera
  • Štiti motor 
  • izrađena od inoxa AISI316
REDOVNA CIJENA: 1.300,00 € 9794,85 kn
WEBSHOP CIJENA: 1.235,00 €
9305,11 kn
Šifra proizvoda: TSXXLTW
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XXL Twin TurboSwing  je pogodan za plovila sa twin/duplim instalacijama vanbrodskih motora od 100-250hp, zavisno o brendu motora.

Plovila sa dva motora mogu također uživati u pogodnostima TurboSwing šipke. Dodatni motor pridonosi stvaranju većih valova iza plovila stvarajući fantastično okruženje za wakeboard, skije, tube i kolutove za vuču.

TurboSwing podiže konop za vuču na visinu koja osigurava bolje perfomanse bilo da koristite wakeboard, skije ili tube za vuču. Ne zauzima dragocjeni prostor unutar plovila kao pilon/stup za vuču i vrlo brzo i jednostavno se demontira. Koji TurboSwing trebate ovisi o brendu i snazi motora.

Bilo da uživate u skijanju na vodi, tubama za vuču, wakebordanju ili parasailing-u, TurboSwing je uzbudljiv novi način doživljavanja sportova na vodi iza brodova opremljenih vanbrodskim motorima.


Otporna na hrđanje, izrađena od inoxa AISI316
šipka podiže konop za vuču iznad dohvata vala ili propelera
Sistem kolotura omogućava glatku vožnju i konstantno povlačenje
Poboljšava stabilnost plovila i upravljivost, štedi gorivo i unapređuje silu povlačenja
Univerzalna instalacija na postojeći nosač motora-odgovara bilo kojoj marki vanbrodskog motora
Konopi za vuču se brzo i jednostavno spajaju na TurboSwing koloture
Omogućava povlačenje više vozača
Štiti motor od udaraca
TurboSwing šipka se može brzo demontirati

Turboswing patentirana tehnologija podiže konop za vuču iznad daske,skija ili tube i osigurava konstantano  povlačenje i poboljšava silu povlačenja.Ovaj inovativan sistem se sastoji od šipke od nehrđajučeg čelika AISI316 sa nosačima koji se montiraju direktno na postojeći nosač motora i okružuje vanbrodski motor. Konop za vuču se može brzo fiksirati na koloture na šipci koje dozvoljavaju konopu glatko klizanje sa jedne na drugu stranu rezultirajući manjim naprezanjima i boljoj izvedbi onoga koji se vuče,a u isto vrijeme osigurava stabilnost i bolji manevar plovila,te također štedi gorivo prilikom vuče, što je vrlo bitna stavka, posebice kod iznajmljivača.

TurboSwing se može doslovno montirati na bilo koji brod sa vanbrodskim motorom,počevši od gumenjaka,glisera,pa do brodica sa kabinom ili natkabinom.TurboSwing je dostupan kako za jednostruke instalacije (jedan vanbrodski motor), tako i za duple instalacije (dva vanbrodska motora).

The TurboSwing tow bar elevates the tow rope on outboard powered boats so that you can enjoy better performance wakeboarding, water skiing, tubing and snorkeling behind the boat. It doesn't take up precious interior space like a pylon and it is easily removable. Which tow bar you need depends on the type of mount required, the brand, engine horsepower, and number of engines 


  • Corrosion resistant 316 stainless steel tow bar elevates the tow rope to keep it clear of the wake and prop wash
  • Pulley system affords smooth, consistent pulls
  • Improves vessel stability , maneuverability, fuel economy and towing power
  • Universal motor bracket installation - fits virtually any brand of outboard motor
  • Tow ropes clip quickly and easily to TurboSwing pulley system
  • Can accommodate multiple riders
  • Protects engine from impact
  • Tow bar can be quickly removed


There’s one sure-fire way to increase the fun-factor of your outboard powered boat: turn it into a water sports wonder and start pulling inflatables!

Everyone from kids to teens to adults will enjoy riding behind the boat on a wakeboard, kneeboard, tube, or water skis. But you may have some big problems to grapple with. If your boat wasn’t designed for watersports there may not be anywhere to install a tow pylon. And if there’s a spot for one but the boat didn’t leave the factory equipped for water sports, installing a tow pylon after the fact may require some serious structural modification. Luckily, now that you’ve discovered the TurboSwing, you’ve found the answer to this problem.


Whether you have a runabout, a pontoon boat, a fishing boat, or even a small cruiser, if your boat is powered by virtually any outboard—even twin engines all the way up to 350 horsepower—we have a TurboSwing model that will do the trick.

One of the reasons the TurboSwing is so versatile lies in its basic design. Turboswing attaches to the transom, which is already the strongest part of the boat. The mounting systems piggybacks on motor mount bolts that are already present in the transom, and all that needs to be added is a pair of stabilizing bolts.

Water Skiing

Want to pull Towables & Tubes?

TurboSwing is the only tube-rated tow bar on the market. Wakeboard towers, pylons, and other ski tow bars have a manufacturers warning - stating it is not safe to tow tubes or other inflatables. Doing so could damage your boat and potentially hurt passengers!


Our pulley system allows for towing multiple riders, as long as you get a separate pulley for each one. Completely constructed of heavy-duty 316 Stainless Steel, the TurboSwing ski tow bar's patented design (Patent #7798087) mounts to the strongest point of your boat for performance and durability.

In fact, no other towing product on the market can match the towing capacity of the TurboSwing.


Let’s talk performance. The pulley system not only enhances your ability to pull multiple riders, it also improves performance for both the boat and the rider. The rope can swing sideways in either direction improving the rider’s angle and reducing jerks on the tow rope. At the same time the pivot-point is kept aft of the motor, improving the boat’s handling. Plus, the angle of the TurboSwing keeps the tow rope elevated and out of the boat’s wake.


The entire unit can be removed in seconds with our included quick release clips. But you may want to leave the TurboSwing in place while using your boat for activities other than watersports, since it creates a ring of protection around your outboard while still allowing it to be trimmed all the way up and out of the water.


TurboSwing’s patented technology (Patent #7798087) elevates the tow rope above the wake like wakeboard towers and pylons only without using up valuable real estate inside the boat.

The TurboSwing is constructed of 316-grade stainless-steel (with the exception of strong, self-lubricating Delron parts in the pulley and friction discs) and we back it up with a full 5-year guarantee on all parts. It can be installed in an afternoon. And most important of all, it can boost your boat’s fun-factor right through the roof—just ask the kids after towing them around the lake a few times, and we’re sure they’ll agree.

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