Victron Energy PHOENIX 12V/50A punjač akumulatora
- 12V
- 50A
- 2+1 izlaz
- za akumulatore 200-800Ah
- 350 x 200 x 108 mm
- 3,8 kg
Phoenix punjač baterija odlikuje adaptivni postupak punjenja koji automatski optimizira postupak punjenja na temelju vrste baterije koja se koristi. Proizvod karakteriziraju dva izlaza na maksimalnoj struji i treći izlaz s maksimalnom strujom 4A. Univerzalni ulaz 90-265V, 50 / 60Hz.
Victron energy punjač baterije iz serije Phoenix, uređaj je izgrađen s najnovijom visokofrenkventnom tehnologijom na tržištu. Naime, ulaz punjača za bateriju se elektronički korigira u prvoj fazi napajanja, ali u sljedećoj fazi nudi galvansku izolaciju i savršen napon na istosmjernim terminalima za pravilno punjenje baterije.
Kako se to radi?
Punjač baterije Phoenix dolazi s aluminijskim kućištem i signalnim LED lampicama na prednjoj ploči. Ispod punjača baterije nalaze se ulazi za povezivanje baterija, napajanja i daljinskih uređaja poput alarma baterije, upravljačke ploče i BMV-a (nisu uključeni u cijenu).
U unutrašnjosti se nalaze elektronički dijelovi zaštićeni od vlage i prljavštine zahvaljujući zaštitnom sloju koji osigurava dugo trajanje baterije. Osim toga, Phoenix može napuniti dvije baterije velikog kapaciteta i još jednu bateriju malog kapaciteta.
Čemu služi?
Phoenix je punjač baterija koji je koristan za sigurno i učinkovito punjenje baterija zahvaljujući 4-stupanjskom punjenju (BULK, ABSORPTION, FLOAT, STORAGE) koje pomaže u očuvanju istih i povećavanju vijeka trajanja baterija.
Gdje ga koristiti?
- Pomorski sektor: brodovi, brodice, jedrilice
- Automobilski sektor: kamp prikolica, kamioni, vozila hitne pomoći
Zašto usporediti?
Phoenix punjač baterija, osim upravo opisanih značajki, ima zanimljive načine rada koji su dobro opisani u priručniku u odjeljku za preuzimanje.
Napokon, Phoenix se uvijek može spojiti na bateriju bez prekomjernog preopterećenja plinom, naravno, programirat će se u skladu s karakteristikama svoje baterije; Također tijekom faze punjenja, zbog prisutnosti senzora temperature (koji je uključen u pakiranje), vrijednosti napona se mijenjaju dobivanjem savršenog punjenja i duljeg trajanja baterije.
Referentni propisi
- Sigurnost EN60335-1, EN60335-2-29
- EMC EN55014-1, EN61000-3-2
- Immunity EN55014-2, EN61000-3-3
- Vibracije IEC6-2-6
Victron Energy PHOENIX 12V/50A punjač akumulatora
Adaptive 4-stage charge characteristic: bulk - absorption - float - storage. Two full rated outputs and one 4 Amp output. Universal input 90-265V, 50/60Hz. The Phoenix charger features a microprocessor controlled adaptive battery management system that can be pre-set to suit different types of batteries. The adaptive feature will automatically optimise the charge process relative to the way the battery is being used.
- MODEL: 12/50
- INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE: 90-265V AC / 45-65 Hz
- CHARGE CURRENT: 50 A (x2) + 4 A
- BATTERIES AH: 200/800
- WEIGHT kg (lbs): 3.8 (8.4)
- SIZE: 350 x 200 x 108 mm (13.8"x7.9"x4.3")
Victron Energy PHOENIX 12V/50A punjač akumulatora
The Phoenix Battery Charger is characterized by the adaptive charge process that automatically optimizes the charging process based on the type of battery used. The product is characterized by two outputs at maximum current and a third output with a maximum current of 4A. Universal input 90-265V, 50 / 60Hz.
The Victron Energy Battery Charger Phoenix is a device built with the latest high frequency technology in the market. Specifically, the battery charger input is electronically corrected in the first power stage, but in the next stage it offers galvanic isolation and a perfect DC voltage on the DC terminals for proper charging of its battery pack.
How it's done?
The Phoenix Battery Charger comes with an aluminum casing and signal LEDs on the front panel. Below the battery charger are the inputs for connecting batteries, power supply and remote devices such as battery alarm, charge control panel, and BMV (not included in the price).
The interior features electronic parts protected by moisture and dirt thanks to a protective layer that assures a long battery life. In addition, the Phoenix can charge two large capacity batteries and another small capacity battery.
What Does It Serve?
The Phoenix is a battery charger that is useful for charging your batteries safely and efficiently thanks to the 4-stage charging (BULK, ABSORPTION, FLOAT, STORAGE) that helps to preserve them and increase the useful life of the batteries.
Where to use it?
- Automotive Sector: Caravan, Trucks, Ambulances
- Maritime Sector: Boats, Ships, Sailing Yatch
Why Compare?
The Phoenix Battery Charger, in addition to the features just described, has interesting operating modes that are well described in the manual in the download section.
Finally, the Phoenix can always be connected to the battery without any excess gas overload, of course will be programmed according to the characteristics of its battery; Also during the charging phase, due to the presence of the temperature sensor (included in the packaging), the voltage values are changed by obtaining a perfect charge and a longer battery life.
Reference Regulations
- Security EN60335-1, EN60335-2-29
- EMC EN55014-1, EN61000-3-2
- Immunity EN55014-2, EN61000-3-3
- Vibrations IEC6-2-6