Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 100/30 regulator punjenja solarni
Solarni punjač prikuplja energiju iz vaših solarnih panela i pohranjuje je u baterije. Koristeći najnoviju i najbržu tehnologiju, SmartSolar maksimalno povećava ovu uštedu energije, inteligentno ga vozeći kako bi postigao potpuno napunjenje u najkraćem mogućem roku. SmartSolar održava zdravlje baterije, produžavajući njezin vijek trajanja.
Regulator punjenja SmartSolar čak će napuniti i jako iscrpljenu bateriju. Može raditi s naponom baterije do 0 volti, pod uvjetom da ćelije nisu trajno sulfatirane ili na neki drugi način oštećene.
MPPT: Ultra brzo praćenje maksimalne snage napajanja
Stalnim praćenjem izlaznog i naponskog izlaza vaših solarnih (PV) panela, MPPT tehnologija osigurava da se svaka kapljica raspoložive energije ispere s vaših ploča i prikupi za skladištenje. Prednost ovoga najuočljivija je kada je nebo djelomično zamagljeno, a intenzitet svjetla se stalno mijenja.
Daljinski nadzor i upravljanje
Daljinski upravljajte i nadgledajte opsežne značajke vašeg SmartSolar MPPT punjača s ugrađenim bluetoothom uparivanjem s vašim pametnim telefonom ili drugim uređajem putem VictronConnecta. Ako je vaša instalacija povezana s internetom pomoću GX uređaja , Victron Remote Management Portal ( VRM ) pruža pristup punoj snazi vašeg MPPT -a, bilo kada i bilo gdje; i VictronConnect i VRM mogu se slobodno koristiti . Za udaljene instalacije - čak i ako u blizini nema internetske veze - možda ćete moći nadzirati svoj MPPT povezivanjem GlobalLink 520 .
SmartSolar MPPT 100/30 & 100/50
Solar charge controller
A solar charger gathers energy from your solar panels, and stores it in your batteries. Using the latest, fastest technology, SmartSolar maximises this energy-harvest, driving it intelligently to achieve full charge in the shortest possible time. SmartSolar maintains battery health, extending its life.
The SmartSolar charge controller will even recharge a severely depleted battery. It can operate with a battery voltage as low as 0 Volts, provided the cells are not permanently sulphated or otherwise damaged.
MPPT: Ultra Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking
By constantly monitoring the voltage and current output of your solar (PV) panels, MPPT technology ensures that every drop of available power is rinsed out of your panels, and harvested for storage. The advantage of this is most noticeable when the sky is partially clouded, and light intensity is constantly changing.
Remote Monitoring and Control
Remotely control and monitor the extensive features of your SmartSolar MPPT charger with built-in bluetooth by pairing it with your smartphone or other device via VictronConnect. If your installation is connected to the internet with a GX device, the Victron Remote Management Portal (VRM) provides access to the full power of your MPPT, anytime, anywhere; both VictronConnect and VRM are free to use. For remote installations - even when there is no internet connection nearby - you may be able to monitor your MPPT by connecting the GlobalLink 520.