Victron Phoenix Smart IP43 Punjač 24/16 (1+1)
Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 tvrtke Victron Energy (MPN PSC241651085) snažan je punjač baterija najnovije generacije. Uređaj je dizajniran za napon baterije od 24 V i, uz snažan izlaz za glavno punjenje od 16 A, također nudi izlaz za bočno punjenje sa snagom punjenja od 3 A za starter bateriju.
Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 odgovara integriranom Bluetooth modulu u kojem Victron smart obitelj postaje sve veća, koji se može savršeno umrežiti i može se kontrolirati centralno. Osim Bluetooth modula, tu je i VE.Direct veza te slobodno programabilni relej. Po izboru se također može spojiti Smart Battery Sense za kontrolu kompenzacije temperature baterije. Provjereni algoritam punjenja u pet stupnjeva i mogućnost programiranja vlastitog algoritma punjenja čine Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 univerzalno primjenjivim High-Tec punjačom baterija, koji može optimalno napuniti gotovo svaki tip baterije.
Savršen punjač baterija za plovila i vozila
Phoenix pametni punjači baterija koje (1+1) sadrži u nazivu modela imaju glavni izlaz za punjenje, sa punom strujom punjenja i 3A pomoćni izlaz za punjenje za punjenje starter baterija. Ovi su modeli stoga posebno prikladni za mobilno područje. Phoenix Smart modeli s (3) u oznaci modela posebno su razvijeni s obzirom na potrebe u pomorskom području i nude tri puna izlaza snage za punjenje 3 baterije.
Istaknute karakteristike pametnog punjača Phoenix 24/16 (1+1) IP43
- Integrirani Bluetooth modul
- Integrirane VE.Direct veze
- 1x 16A glavni izlaz za punjenje i 1 dodatni bočni izlaz za punjenje za startne baterije
- Automatska kompenzacija napona
- prilagodljiv algoritam učitavanja u pet stupnjeva
- Faza promjenjivog konstantnog naprezanja
- Pogledajte sve uobičajene vrste baterija
- Prevencija štete uzrokovane gastroplatingom zahvaljujući
- Smanjeno starenje kroz skladištenje s načinom skladištenja
- Lifepo4 se također puni i može se spojiti na BMS preko optičkog sprežnika
- Potpuno programabilni algoritam učitavanja
- Daljinsko uključivanje/isključivanje
- može se koristiti kao izvor energije
Tehničke značajke
- Victron broj dijela: PSC241651085
- Broj baterija: 1 + 1 (1 glavni izlaz s punom snagom + 1x startna baterija (max. 3a opterećenja)
- Maksimalna nazivna struja punjenja: 16A, napon baterije: 24V
- Visoka učinkovitost: 94%
- Klasa zaštite: IP43 (elektroničke komponente), IP22 (područje spajanja)
- Više podataka možete pronaći u tehničkim podacima
- Tri integrirane tehnologije za svestrano zdrave baterije
Promjenjiva faza konstantnog napona: uvijek isporučuje ispravno opterećenje naboja
S niskim pražnjenjem baterije (npr. jahta spojena na seosku struju), odabire se kratka faza konstantnog napona kako bi se izbjeglo preopterećenje. Nakon dubokog pražnjenja, faza konstantnog napona se automatski produljuje kako bi se osiguralo da je baterija potpuno napunjena.
Sprječavanje oštećenja uzrokovanih prekomjernim gasom: Batterysafe način rada
Kako bi se skratilo vrijeme punjenja, odabrana je najveća moguća struja punjenja zajedno s visokim konstantnim naponom. Međutim, kako bi se izbjeglo prekomjerno stvaranje plina pred kraj faze konstantnog aduta, punjač ograničava brzinu porasta napona nakon što je postignut napon plina (vidi također grafiku u brošuri).
Manje održavanja i starenja u stanju mirovanja baterije: način skladištenja
Način rada skladišta je uvijek aktiviran ako nije izvršeno pražnjenje unutar 24 sata. U načinu skladištenja, napetost opterećenja se tada smanjuje na 2,2 V/ćeliji (13,2 V za bateriju od 12 V) kako bi se smanjilo razvoj plina i korozija na pozitivnim pločama. Jednom tjedno napon se povećava na razinu napona plina. Time se postiže neka vrsta kompenzacijskog naboja koji sprječava raslojavanje elektrolistala i sulfatiranje - dva glavna razloga preranog kvara baterije.
Također savršeno za Lifepo4 bateriju
Pametni punjač Phoenix 24/16 (1+1) IP43 može se priključiti na/isključiti kontrolu pomoću releja ili optobakrenog izlaza s otvorenim kolektorom iz Li-Ion BMS-a na daljinski upravljani jedan/izlazni priključak. Alternativno, napon i električna energija također se mogu potpuno kontrolirati putem Bluetootha. sučelje, bluetooth i programabilni relej
Pametni punjač Phoenix 24/16 (1+1) IP43 tvrtke VICTRON idealan je zahvaljujući VE.Direct priključcima za žičanu podatkovnu vezu s kontrolnom pločom u boji, računalom ili drugim uređajima. Također imajte na umu aplikaciju VictronConnect za Android i iOS, koju možete koristiti s bilo kojim pametnim telefonom ili tabletom kako biste bili bežični i čitali svoj Phoenix punjač putem Bluetootha. Programabilni relej također se može programirati putem VE.Direct sučelja ili Bluetooth-kompatibilnog uređaja kako bi se aktivirao alarm ili drugi događaji.
Victron Phoenix Smart IP43 Punjač 24/16 (1+1)
data sheet
IP protection
Communication sports
Manufacturer part number
Ambient temperature
-20 ° C - +60 ° C
Battery voltage
Number of charging outputs
1 + 1
Battery type adjustable
Acid, gel, AGM, LIFEPO4
Adaptive battery management
Protective functions
Polation on the battery, output ceiling, over temperature
2 years
Temperature compensation
Yes, via Smart Battery Sense
Max. 95 %, not condensing
Victron Energy
3.6 kg
Dimensions (LXBXH)
24.9 x 18 x 10 cm
Victron Phoenix Smart IP43 Punjač 24/16 (1+1)
The Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 from Victron Energy (MPN PSC241651085) is a powerful battery charger of the latest generation. The device is designed for 24V battery voltage and, in addition to the strong 16A main charging output, also offers a side charging output with 3a charging power for a starter battery.
The Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 fits with the integrated Bluetooth module in which the Victron smart family is getting bigger, which can be perfectly networked and can also be controlled centrally. In addition to the Bluetooth module, there is also a VE.Direct connection and a freely programmable relay. Optionally, the Smart Battery Sense to control the battery temperature compensation can also be connected. The proven five-stage loading algorithm and the possibility of programming its own charging algorithm make the Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 a universally applicable High-Tec battery loader, which can optimally load almost every battery type.
Perfect battery charger for boats and vehicles
Phoenix smart battery charger devices that (1+1) contain in the model name have a main charging output, with a full charging current and a 3A ancillary charging output for charging starter batteries. These models are therefore particularly suitable for the mobile area. The Phoenix Smart models with (3) in the model designation were particularly developed with regard to the needs in the marine area and offer three full power outputs for charging 3 battery benches.
Highlights of the Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43
- Integrated Bluetooth module
- Integrated VE.Direct connections
- 1x 16a main charging output and 1 further side charging output for starter batteries
- Automatic voltage compensation
- adaptive, five -stage loading algorithm
- Variable constant stress phase
- Eye all common types of battery
- Prevention of damage caused by gastroplating thanks
- Reduced aging through storage with storage mode
- Lifepo4 also charges and can be connected to a BMS via optocoupler
- Fully programmable loading algorithm
- Remote on/off
can be used as a power source
Technical features of the Phoenix Smart 12/30 (1+1)
- Victron part number: PSC241651085
- Number of batteries: 1 + 1 (1 main output with full power + 1x starter battery (max. 3a load)
- Maximum nominal charging current: 16A, battery voltage: 24V
- High efficiency: 94%
- Protection class: IP43 (electronic components), IP22 (connection area)
- You can find more data with the technical data
Three integrated technologies for all -round healthy batteries
Variable constant voltage phase: always delivers the correct load of charges
With a low battery discharge (e.g. a yacht connected to the country current), a short constant voltage phase is chosen to avoid an overload. After a deep discharge, the constant voltage phase is automatically extended to ensure that the battery is fully charged.
Prevention of damage caused by excessive gastung: Batterysafe mode
In order to shorten the loading time, the highest possible charging current was selected together with a high constant voltage. However, in order for an excessive gas development to be avoided towards the end of the constant trump phase, the charger limits the speed of the voltage climb after the gas voltage has been reached (see also the graphics in the brochure).
Less maintenance and aging in the resting state of the battery: the storage mode
The warehouse mode is always activated if no discharge has been carried out within 24 hours. In storage mode, the loading tension is then reduced to 2.2 V/cell (13.2 V for a 12 V battery) in order to minimize gas development and corrosion on the positive plates. Once a week, the voltage is increased to the level of the gas voltage. This achieves a kind of compensation charge that prevents the electrolystal layering and sulfating - the two main reasons for premature battery failure.
Also perfect for Lifepo4 battery
The Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 can be attached to/off control by a relay or an optocopper output with an open collector from an Li-Ion BMS to a remote-controlled one/output port . Alternatively, voltage and electricity can also be ruled completely via Bluetooth. interface, bluetooth and programmable relay
The Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43 from VICTRON is ideal thanks to the VE.Direct ports for a wired data connection with a color control panel, a PC or other devices. Also note the VictronConnect app for Android and iOS, which you can use with any smartphone or tablet to be wireless and read out your Phoenix Charger via Bluetooth. Programmable relay can also be programmed via the VE.Direct interface or a Bluetooth-compatible device in order to trigger an alarm or other events.
scope of delivery
1x PSC241651085 Victron Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43
1x AC cable clamp
1x operating instructions
Victron Phoenix Smart IP43 Punjač 24/16 (1+1)
- 1x PSC241651085 Victron Phoenix Smart Charger 24/16 (1+1) IP43
- 1x stezaljka AC kabela
- 1x upute za uporabu